Jason Todd|| Dua Lipa

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Jason: 22
Y/n: 22
(Y/n) your name
(F/n) friend's name
Warnings: mentions of sex
Summary: based on Dua Lipa's songs 'New Rules' and 'Kiss And Make Up'
Requested: yupp(not sure if they want to stay anonymous so decided not to mention their @)
I hope this was somewhat close to what you wanted(I don't usually listen to Dua Lipa's songs)

You woke up in the middle of the night again. You haven't slept well lately, all you could think about was Jason. His touch, lips, sweet voice and the way how he could make you feel like no other ever has. 

You ended whatever was between you two a week ago. You really loved him but Jason just wanted to get in your pants.

You sighed and got up. You walked in the kitchen to get some water to your dry throat.
You walked quietly in and took the class of water.

You went back to sleep and surprisingly you did fell asleep.

That didn't last long tho since someone decided to call you. You groaned and took your phone from the nightstand.

You bit your lip as you saw that the caller was Jason. You promised your friend to not keep contact to him.

'He's probably just drunk and horny' you thought and pressed the red button on your phone screen.

You put the phone away and tried to go to sleep again.

Jason kept calling you but you never answered. You eventually set your phone to silent mode so you couldn't hear the calls anymore.

You woke up again to someone knocking on your door multiple times. You frowned confused and checked the time. '4am? Who the hell is awake at 4am?!' (Definitely not me...)

You lazily stood up and went to open the door. As you did your eyes widened a little. "You didn't answer your phone" Jason said as he leaned on the doorway.

Of course it was Jason. What did you expect?

"Why would I?" You said. Jason sighed. "Can I come in?"

You would be crazy if you'd let him in. It would either end up him in your bed you underneath him or you have to kick him out of your house again.

You sighed and moved out of the way. Jason walked in your house and straight to your living room.

You walked after him and crossed your arms. "You had something Jason?" Jason looked at you. "Explanation would be nice" You raised a brow. "I told you already. Now get out."

Jason sighed and walked to you. "(Y/n) please"
You stepped away from him. "Can we at least be friends?"

You bit your lip as you looked down. Deep down you wanted something so much more but that could never happen. He didn't love you the way you loved him.

Being just friends wouldn't really workout either.

You sighed and looked up "Go away Jason"
Jason looked at you with a raised brow then sighed. "Go fuck your other girls."

Jason frowned and walked closer he cupped your face gently. "There's no other girls (y/n).."
For a moment your hopes got up but you shook your head.

You've heard those words before and they definitely weren't true.

You frowned as you smelled the oh so familiar smell and pushed Jason away. "You've been drinking haven't ya?!"
"Just a little"
"Oh my god! Jason! Don't come anywhere near me while you're drunk!"  You walked away from him getting frustrated.
"I'm not drunk! I took couple drinks with friends that's it!"

You rolled your eyes and walked in your kitchen. '(F/n) was right'

Jason walked in too. "(Y/n). C'moon"
"No! Go away Jason. I.. I don't want anything to do with you anymore.." you didn't look at him as you spoke.

Jason smirked and came to hug you from behind. "I don't believe you.."

Your eyes widened a little and your face got hotter.

Jason turned you around so you were facing him.  "I can make it up to you. Everything I've done"

You bit your lip and looked away. 'Just push him away! You've done so well without him and now you gonna let him just walk in and get what he's been wanting all the time?! But on the other hand...'

You groaned and cupped his face kissing him with passion. Jason smirked into the kiss and hold your waist tightly.

The kiss got deeper as Jason licked your bottom lip. You weren't in a mood for teasing so you parted your lips.

Your friend's words kept running through your mind 'he just wants sex' 'he doesn't deserve you' 'he fucks every girl in Gotham' 'he doesn't give a fuck about your feelings'

You just shook off the thoughts and kissed him rougher.

Jason pulled away to kiss your neck. He remembered exactly where to kiss you.

'You're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning'

"(Y/n)? You okay?" Jason asked. 'Think (y/n)! Are you ready to get your heart broken again because you love Jason too much?!'
"Yeah." You answered to both, yourself and Jason.

You kissed him again and didn't even notice that you ended up in your bedroom.

Time skip

You groaned and opened your eyes slowly. Memories of last night popped in your mind. "I'm an idiot..."

Aand we're done. It was harder than I expected 😅 mixing up two songs isn't easy after all
But I really hope that you liked it even a little <3

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