Okay, maybe I'll not assassinate you

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Whoop whoop I'm back! And hello to all new ppl, and old ppl on here too ofc. Can we get a yeaaahhhhhhhh from the new ones and a hello there from all the OG ppl on here? 

Oh and like, the 1 year anniversary for this fic is coming up... In May tho, but like that's soon!

---let's go---

Instead of just applying to the general course or try at another hero school, when she failed the entrance exam to U.A, Kyoka Jirou became a villain. Well not directly after, her backup plan had always been that she would become a musician. But after realizing how corrupt society was, she became the villain "Shadow". She were still in school thought, and she had a HeroTube account where she released covers and her own songs.

Kyoka had made a big name for herself in the underground, Shadow were the assassin that would kill and leave without trace. Not even once had she been close to be caught by the police or the heroes. Probably because of her quirk, she could hear footsteps and conversations from several kilometres away, it gave her enough time to escape with another body on her kill-list.

She had recently gotten hired by the L.O.V. to kill some hero students. Kyoka wasn't one to kill teenagers, but she needed the money. The first one on her list was Momo Yaoyorozu, the daughter of the biggest support company in Japan and a student of 1-a. 

Kyoka climbed up the wall of the Yaoyorozu mansion with her sticky boots and gloves. She peaked inside a window, her information stated that this was the youngest Yaoyorozu's bedroom. It was. She quietly tried to open the window, nothing happened and Kyoka cursed quietly. 

She reached down into her utility belt for her trusty laser. The laser was small and could easily been mistaken for a cat toy, but it could cut trough 1 meter thick steel. Kyoka quickly got to work and used the laser on the bottom of the window, most likely where the lock were. After a minute Kyoka put the laser back into her utility belt and opened the window quietly.

She winced when the floorboards under her boots creaked, the girl on the bed didn't move at all. Good. The bedroom was big and the queen sized bed stood in the middle of it, headboard against the wall to the left of the window where Kyoka entered. 

She looked down at the light pink fluffy rug, she had to feel it. Kyoka crouched down and took of one of her gloves. The rug was just as fluffy and soft as she guessed it would be. She looked over at the bed again, the girl she was supposed to assassinate were still sleeping soundly. She looked down at the rug again. The rug felt so soft in between her fingers... It wouldn't hurt to just lay down on it for a minute, right?

Kyoka laid down on the fluffy rug and stared up at the ceiling. Maybe she should just catch up with sleep, right here right now, on this incredible soft rug. NO! Focus, you're here for murder, not sleep.

She huffed quietly and arose from the floor. When she were fully standing up she unsheathed her dagger, the dagger had killed 99 people. Momo were about to be her 100th kill, how exiting. Maybe she should also give her a gift. Like, "Congratulations you're my 100th kill, you get a free taco!".

She creeped over to the bed, why the fuck was it so big? Damn rich people. Kyoka guessed that it was just as soft as the rug, maybe even softer. If she laid down on the bed she would probably disappear, what a way to die, being swallowed by a bed. 

The girl laying in the bed was extremely pretty. Damn, killing pretty people always sucked. Kyoka sighed and raised the dagger, positioning it directly over the girl's heart. Just as she were about to stab down, the girl's eyes opened and Kyoka was punched in the face. She immediately let go of the dagger and held her nose that she were pretty sure just got broken.

"What the fuck man!?" Kyoka let out after a strangled yelp.

"Stay back" Momo Yaoyorozu said, pointing Kyoka's own dagger at her.

Kyoka stared at the dagger in Momo's hands in betrayal. This was the first time her trusty weapon was being used against her.

"Give it back" Kyoka said and gestured to the dagger.

Momo snorted, "Yeah right, and then you'll do what? Kill me? I'm not stupid"

"Pffft- What? No, never... What bullshit are you going to say next? That you like country music?" Kyoka said, frowning slightly. 

"I do"


"I do like country music"

Kyoka stared at her blankly, "Were you dropped as a baby or something?"

"Why are you so rude?" Momo asked, crossing her arms over her rather... generous chest area.

"Oh, it's part of my assassin persona. Ya know, I put both the ass and sass in assassin" Kyoka shrugged, "Anyways, you actually like that garbage music?"


"Wow you really must be deaf then"

Momo just huffed and picked up her phone.

"Don't you dare call the police" Kyoka snarled and reached for the phone. Momo, being tall, made sure Kyoka couldn't reach it. Damn tall people.

"I'm not"

"Yeah sure-"

"Be quiet and listen to the country music you uncultured swine" Momo interrupted her and put on some country music.

"I'm an assassin, I-"

"Listen to the music!"

"Look, I'm not saying I've not heard it before. I'm just saying that it's trash"


"I- fine" Kyoka huffed and sat down on the soft bed, definitely not pouting as a child.


Head-cannon: Momo listens to country music and Kyoka fucking despises it

okay bye, see y'all around! feel free to leave suggestions

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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