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Sero has a mullet and nobody is talking about it

AND no quirkssss

I'm kind off throwing in the truth's and dares I got a while back? I hope it's okay!...

---let's a go---

"Hiya!" Momo said when she entered the team voice channel.

"Woah! A gamer girl?.." GrapeRush said.

Oh god again? She hoped there was no more perverts just because she was getting tired of this.

"Welcome" A broody mysterious voice said, BlackRaven?

"Can you send me some gamer girl water??" 

Oh, GrapeRush was another pervert.

"GrapeRush? We meet again" Sparky said in a disliking tone.

GrapeRush kept making perverted comments as they played the match. Momo was getting really tired of it. She was about to tell him off yet again when another voice spoke up.

"Dude, I have had it with you perverted grape. Stop it" A extremely beautiful voice said, it was another female.

"Oh? what are you going to do? report me.. I bet you can't do much, you are just another girl" GrapeRush said confidently.

Jack was silent. (that's the girls username (Jirou))

"Bro! Do it!" Sparky said.

Oh, he and Jack were in a party.. maybe she could join them so she could speak more with Jack.

"Reported" Jack said into her mic, still annoyed.

"Not fair!" GrapeRush whined.

"Not to interrupt this happy moment.. they are about to take over the check point" BlackRaven said, he sounded stressed.

"On my way!" Momo said and started to time-skip forward. (She be playing Tracer)

They won the game.

"Good luck on your next games!" Sparky said.

They all said good luck.

"All right, that's enough of games for toda-" Momo trailed of as she saw a friend request pop up.

She prayed to every god that she knew, (and Satan) that it wasn't GrapeRush. It wasn't GrapeRush, it was Jack. The girl that had stood up for her.

Momo accepted the invite and immediately got a message.

Jack: If you want to, you could join me and Sparky.. Btw I'm live streaming so I got everything that perverted grape said to you on tape

Creati: I would love to join... good, I do not like that grape at all.. hope he is banned from OW

Jack: Great! I'll invite you!

Creati: :)

Momo got a party invite. As soon as she accepted she heard maniac laughing coming from Sparky and Jack groaning about how childish he is.

"Uh, is this a bad time to join?" Momo asked quietly and Sparky stopped laughing.

"Welcome, fair maiden to the chaos duo!" Sparky said in a posh accent.

"I'm sorry, he is not always like his" Jack said.

"Anyways.. say hello to the stream!" 

"Uh, hello.. I'm Creati, nice to meet you!" 

Momo clicked with the chaos duo quickly. They were nice and made good jokes, which made Momo laugh.

They decided to do a 3v3

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