Pickup lines with Jirou!

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Jirou liked to surprise her girlfriend with pickup lines at random moments...

(here u have all them times.. i will put "---" between each times)

Jirou slid into the common room. Most of the class was there, ether playing games or studying or just talking. 

Momo was sitting with Iida, Todoroki, Deku and Ururaka drinking tea. 

Jirou sneaked up behind her and whispered, so only the closest people would hear her.

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you" 

Jirou could see how Momo's face heated up. Ururaka snickered, Deku was pink, Todoroki and Iida was confused.

Jirou backed away making fingerguns.


Momo was walking to class with Deku squad. Jirou walked up beside her.

"Can I follow you where you're going right now? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams!"

Jirou got a bruise on her arm, but it was worth it.


They were eating at Mcdonalds. Momo had never been there before...

"If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be named the McGorgeous" Momo became pink. Jirou heard one of the nearby workers snicker, oops they heard her.


Jirou smirked at Momo who sat beside her on the common room couch.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only Ten I See." 

Momo looked confused.

"..Kyo, were both from Japan"


The warmth from the campfire was nice against the cold night air. Most of the class was shattered around it. Some were sleeping in their sleeping bags others was chatting by the campfire or just taking in the moment.

"You must be a campfire. Because you're super hot and I want s'more" Jirou whispered to Momo. Tokoyami choked on his water and Todoroki had his usual dead pan face. 

You could not see Momo's blush in the dark, and if you did... you would simply assume it was because of the campfire.

Momo sighted and burrowed her head in the crock of Jirou's neck.


It was another study session. This time at the dorms. 

Momo was helping a small group with math when Jirou decided to say another terrible pickup-line.

"I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it." 

Jirou was imitatively slapped over the head with a math book.

The rest of the group snickered.


Momo and Jirou was set up on folding laundry duty.

"If you and I were socks, we'd make a great pair" Jirou said as she folded another pair of Allmight socks.

"I will throw this at you" Momo threatened her.

"Do it, I dare you"


"Truth or dare, Jirou" Mina asked her. They were on a girls only sleepover in Hagakures room.

"Dare, mama ain't raise no little bitch"

"Tell us your worst pickup line ever"

Jirou turned her head towards Momo.

"Want a raisin? No? Well, how about a date?"

She was hit in the head with a pillow.. which lead to a pillow-fight.


Momo was handing out the test scores. When she came to Jirou's desk Momo smiled.

"You must be a high test score. Because I want to take you home and show you to my mother." Jirou said and smiled back.

Aizawa snorted...


They were cuddling in Momo's bed.

"Hey is it all-right if I read a little?" Momo asked. Jirou nodded sleepily.

"I'm like that lamp, because you turn me on" Jirou said now fully awake when Momo turned on the bedside lamp.

"hush, or I won't read it out-loud"


Class 1-a were having a movie marathon... The film that was on at the moment was Shrek.

"You can call me Shrek, because I'm head ogre heels in love with you." Jirou whispered to Momo.



"Are you from Paris? Because Eiffel for you"


"How many times do I have to tell you that we are from JAPAN!?"


"Whats on the menu? wait, before you answer can I guess?... ME-N-U"

Jirou is now banned from the kitchen.


Jirou walked up to Momo, she was sitting by the bar.

"Hey, will you hold this for me as I step outside?" Jirou held out her hand... 

To her surprise, Momo grabbed it.


Momo walked out of her room, Wearing a fancy dress. They were going to a fancy hero event.

Jirou blushed.

"Exuse me, but I think I dropped something.. MY JAW!"

Momo smiled softly. And replied with:

"Oh? Would a Kiss make it better"

Now Jirou was making a Tomato impression.


"What makes love like a tiger and blinks?"

"What?" Momo sounded generally confused.

Jirou started to blink really fast.

"Are you okay? You are blinking really fast and much" Todoroki asked her... Momo got the pickup-line and blushed.


"Heeey girl did you drop something?"

"I don't think so?"

"I think you did- you'r standards. Hi, I'm Jirou Kyoka"

Momo hugged her.

"I don't like it when you talk bad about yourself.


It was the day after they told the class about their relationship.

"Are you from Holland? Because you're one big dyke."

There was a shocked silence.

"We. are. both. from. Japan"


"When I'm around you I can't think straight... literally"

"God you are so gay"

"You too"


"Baby you make me go plus ultra"

"That's it!"



(tell me if u wan't a pt 2)

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