Leaving our mark

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It was two days before graduation. They were becoming real heroes.

It had been Mina's idea, to leave their mark.

So two days before graduation Mina had finally made even Iida agree to her idea. To carve their names somewhere in the building along with a positive message. They all agreed to carve it in their own rooms.

Jirou had talked to Momo about carving their names next to each other's at their favorite place. On the roof, were they would sit watching the stars.

Kyoka Jirou, Earphone Jack
Strength is not all a hero needs

Was carved into the inside of her closet door.

Momo Yaoyorozu, Creati
You've got to start at the bottom and work up! And if you don't earnestly cheer each other on then you'll never be great heroes!

Momo had carved it into the ceiling, right over the door. It would be hard to find. 

When they were done, Jirou and Momo met up at the roof.

"Huh, it's soon over" Jirou said, feeling a little sad.

"I'm sure we will keep together, or at least we will" Momo said hugging her girlfriend close.

They carved their names into the roof, in a heart. At the same place Jirou had asked Momo out two years ago.

Yeeze how time runs away.

Years later, Momo would be comforted by her students who had found all the small carvings into the walls, floors and ceiling of the dorm.

And she would tell them to stick to the advice they got. And she would in secret tell them to also leave their mark, along with other heroes. 

Some would call it vandalism and others would call it leaving a mark. But for the former class 3-a it was leaving memories.


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