Presentation Michael helps our baby

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Present Mic could tell something was wrong with his favorite student. (But if u ask him he doesn't have any favorites). Jirou had been staring at the blackboard zoned out since the lesson started, she hadn't written any notes or anything. And being the good teacher he is he decided to help her.

"Jirou could you stay behind?" Present Mic asked Jirou when the lesson was coming to a end. He saw the disappointed glance Iida gave her.

When he was sure the class was out he walked over to Jirou's desk.

"What is wrong little listener?"

"oh. Nothing is wrong, why would you say that?" Yamada could see through that fake smile Jirou gave him.

"I can tell that you have something on your heart" 

"I- okay... it's yaomomo"

"Oh? what did she do?" Yaoyorozu was not a bully was she?

"It's not something she did per see... I-" Jirou hesitated.

"I like her a-and I don't to destroy our friendship" Yamada could remember the same panic he was in when he was crushing hard on Shota and smiled slightly.

"If you like her just tell her, kid" He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"B-but what if-"

"Listen to me little listener, I was once in the same boat as you. But now I'm married to him!" Yamada grinned and gave Jirou a thumb up.

"... Who?" Jirou smiled a bit back.

"Aizawa... Though we kept our last names" He could almost see the gears turning in Jirou's head.

"Huh, I won the bet" Jirou said slightly dazed.

"What bet?"

"Not important"

"Right, kid.. But just ask her out"

"You make it sound so simple!"

"It is! Worse thing that can happen is that she says no"

"Riiight... because getting rejected by the one you love is not terrifying, not the slightest" Jirou remarked dryly.

"Don't give me sass... look if she doesn't say yes I will sit in the same room as a 100 bugs and not scream!"

Yamada shuddered and Jirou's eyes widened.

"You.. you would do that? for me?"

"Yes, now go to lunch or you will miss it completely"

"Thank you Mic-sensei"

"No problem little one"

--5 years later--

Yamada smiled from where he was sitting in the crowd next to his husband.

"-and last of all, I would like to thank Yamada-sensei! If he hadn't given me advice all those years ago I wouldn't be getting married today" Jirou smiled at Yamada and he smiled back.

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