Blunt Buddies

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Inspired by @jusaskwid on tiktok, by a drawing of Kyoka and Sero smoking that good shit- They also draw rly cool quirk malfunctions- 

also don't @ me, I've never smoked drugs so I rly don't know.. but I did do some research in form of the Bakusquad getting high in fanfics... several fanfics..

---let's go---

There was a knock at her door, judging by the time it should be Hanta Sero. Kyoka got up from her bed where she had previously been writing lyrics and walked to the door.

"We have been over this, you don't need to knock Hant- oh hi Mina.. and Toru ya wan't?" Kyoka panicked slightly when she saw them on the other side of her door.

"Oh ho? Were you expecting my man Sero?.. and first name basis I see!" Mina said with a smirk.

"You two have been hanging out a lot recently- are you dating?" Toru asked.

Kyoka blushed furiously and shook her head, her earphone jacks were moving around nervously. 

"N-no, were just hanging out- uhm... he helps me write songs?" She said more as a question.

"Really? Because your reaction-" Mina stopped herself and looked behind Kyoka.

Sero was lowering himself down on Kyoka's balcony with his tape, he had probably gone the roof way. The roof way was a bit dangerous during the day, since you could easily be seen.

"Why are you two here anyways?" Kyoka asked them.

"Oh! We wanted your help with spying on Kiribaku's date" Toru said.

"But! I see you're going to hang out with Sero- so were going to leave.. if you give me all the deets tonight" 

Kyoka sighted but nodded, soon the girls weren't in her room anymore. She walked over to her balcony door and opened it.

"I saw you had the gossip girls over. Couldn't have told me?" Sero asked and Kyoka let him in.

"They just kind of showed up... wanted some help spying on Kiribaku" Kyoka said with a shrug. 

"Ah.. let's set up?" 


Kyoka walked into the bathroom and turned on the fan while Sero rolled up a towel to put under the door. Several scented candles was lit and the balcony door was shut. If it had been night they would have sat on the balcony or on the roof, but since it was late afternoon and they didn't want anyone to see the smoke, the door had to be shut and they would be inside.

The fan in the bathroom would get the smoke out, the candles would take the smell out (Kyoka didn't want her room smelling like smoke) and the towel made the smoke not get out into the hallway. A foolproof plan.

Kyoka plopped down on her bed and Sero climbed up in the hammock they had hung up a long time ago. They had been Blunt Buddies since two weeks after the USJ, Kyoka had run into Sero on the roof. The both of them had been smoking so they decided to smoke together.

Sero took out a zip-lock bag with some blunts, took one for himself and then threw the bag at Kyoka.

"Why thank you good sir" Kyoka said and took out her lighter from her pocket.

"No problem dear sister in weed" Sero said dramatically.

They smoked in silence, the smell of smoke and scented candles filled their lungs.

"So~ anything happening with our dear class rep?" Kyoka asked and wiggled her eyebrows towards Sero.

Sero flushed bright red and coughed, not ready for that question.

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