Pickup lines with Jirou pt. 2

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WHAT? WHAT? whAt? The fuck? asjodbasjdknbfio CATRADORA CANNON? I am shook? Help? whaaat? 

EVERYONE is TaLkiNg abOuT ThE hAnD hOLdiNg bUt nObOdy iS tAlkINg AboUt ThE mOtHeRFUckiNG KiSSSSS??

uh- that is kinda gay XD

I'm still shook... it was one gay kiss XD

Swedish fact of the day:.. it's not only IKEA meatballs, there is Biltema Korv

---angsty train, choo choo---

"Mooo~ I think my phone is broken" Jirou said and slammed her phone on the sofa.

"Huh? Why? We could go to Hatsume, I'm sure she could fix it" Momo said looking up from her book.

"It doesn't have your number in it!" Jirou whined.

"Oh- I must have forgotten" Momo said standing up to take Jirou's phone.

"N-no it was a pick up line-"

"oh okay"

"Smooth, Jirou. Smooth" Mina whispered from beside Jirou.


"I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art" Jirou said and pointed finger guns.

Momo looked around.

"We are in a museum"

"Not fazed at all, huh" Kaminari whispered to Sero and Mina.

"She's used to it by now I believe" Mina whispered back.


"Did you just come out of a oven because you are hot as hell"

"You should really check your surrounding before saying these pickup lines"

Right, they were in a sauna.

"Fuck I could have said sauna instead of oven" Jirou mumbled.

Momo chuckled.


"It's a good thing that I didn't forget my library card. Because I'm checking you out"

"Kyoka go back to studying.. please, you will fail class" Momo said handing Jirou another book.


"Life like you is like a broken pencil..."

Jirou took out her broken pen.


"Do you want a pencil sharpener?"

"Yes please"

Momo handed it to Jirou.

"If it helps, my life without you would too be pointless"

Jirou blushed and speed walked to her seat.


"Somebody call God, he's missing an angel" Jirou whispered and pointed at Momo, who was sitting on the other end of the room.

"Momo is literally God" Kaminari whispered back.


"Her quirk-"

Oh big brain Kaminari.


Momo walked out of her room, hair wet from a shower.

Jirou's jaw dropped.

"Damn.. you are so beautiful that I forgot my pickup-line" Jirou whispered in amazement.

Momo giggled.

"Aw, that must be one of your best ones"

"Thank you... but for real, you are gorgeous" Jirou hugged her girlfriend.

"And you are my cute little emo"

"I'm not emo"

"I'm sorry... my little punk"


"Here feel my shirt" 

Momo reached out to feel Jirou's shirt.

"It's cotton?"

"It's girlfriend material"

"... wow okay that one is cliche" Said Momo and quirked an eyebrow.

"Only the best for you" Jirou hugged Momo close.


"For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on" Jirou smirked.

"Oh god, she's evolving! She is to smooth for Momo to handle-" Mina whispered to Kaminari.

"Well, I quote un quote 'turn you on like a lamp'" Momo made an horrible impression of Jirou's voice.


"Mina- Mina- MINA!" Kaminari sprinted into the common room, giggling quietly.

"What?" She hissed.

Kaminari sat down beside her.

"Okay so I was outside- going for a walk when I suddenly heard Jirou and Yaomomo talking..."


"Jirou says: 'So.. other than being sexy, what do you do for a living?'" Kaminari said, doing a pretty spot on Jirou voice.

"What did Momo say?"

"I kid you not- She looked Jirou dead in the eyes and said: 'you'" 

Kaminari begun to laugh again and Mina joined in.


send in truth's or dare's cuz I'm planning a truth or dare chapter.. (it was suggested)

Do not forget to leave suggestions!


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