Stupid rule

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I wan't to recommend a Netflix show called "twelve forever" there are actually a fair amount of queer representation. There are a gay couple, one of the main characters is a lesbian. 

All though it will not have a season 2, it's a nice cartoon. I like it.

We have unique characters, the butt witch, reggie/twelve, guy pleasant, todd- I could go on and on.

This chapter is inspired by my touch starved self, thank you.

---now there is story time---

Jirou was so tired. Her eye bags was beginning to look like Shinsou's or Aizawa's, But she covered her's with makeup.

It was all because of a stupid rule.

"No student are allowed to spend the night in another student's dorm"

Since Jirou and Momo started to date, they cuddled. Jirou could not sleep without Momo. So she had too tire herself out so she could pass out, but that led too nightmares. She only slept around 4 hours at night.

And Momo being Momo did not wan't to break the rule. But Jirou could see how Momo also was a lot sleepier.

Because of Mineta perverted ass they could not cuddle in the common room. It would be a good idea if they were out too the class.

Jirou swore that if she found the couple that had got caught having sex in one of their dorms she would bitch slap them with a bass. 

Jirou eventually passed-out out of not enough sleep during their hero training.

When Jirou woke up she felt a hand in hers. Momo's. The bed was soft... Wait was she in recovery girl's office?

Jirou opened her eyes. Momo was talking too recovery girl.

"Good you're awake" Recovery girl said and looked at her.

"Why am I here?" Jirou hoarsely said.

"You passed out" Aizawa said, leaning against the wall by the door.

Recovery girl gave her a cup of water and Jirou downed it.

"Thank you" Jirou's voice was still a little raspy.

"You are welcome" Recovery girl smiled. Jirou nodded.

There was a silence. (it was not pregnant, I don't believe in pregnant silences).

"Can you tell me why you passed-out, out of no where?" Aizawa asked walking over too them.

Jirou avoided his eyes.

"I- I can't sleep" Jirou muttered so only Momo could hear her

"Is it because of the rule?" Momo whispered in Jirou's ear and Jirou nodded weakly.

"I'm sorry" Momo hugged her, it was a awkward position, after all Jirou was laying down and Momo was sitting on a stool.

"It's not your fault" Jirou muttered.

"What's not her fault?" Aizawa asked, his voice like a concerned dad's.

"The rule about how a student can't spend the night in another student's dorm" Momo answered for her. Jirou was too embarrassed to say anything.

"What about it?" Aizawa asked. Momo became pink in the face.

"She can't sleep without me" Momo muttered averting her eyes.

Aizawa smiled softly, like a father.

"I'll talk to Nezu about it" Aizawa walked towards the door.

"Thank you" Jirou said and closed her eyes again, falling asleep. 

---with dadzawa---

Aizawa knocked on (heavens doorrrrrrrr)

(me joking)

Aizawa knocked on Nezu's office door.

"Come in" Nezu said, loud enough for Aizawa to her him.

Aizawa opened the door and sat down on the chair on the other side of Nezu's desk. 

"What brings you here today Aizawa? Is it yet another student you wan't too expel?"

"No, not today sir... One of my students passed out" 

"Miss Jirou, am I right. Tell me, why did she pass out" 

"Jirou has not been sleeping well since rule number 105 was created"

"Oh? how come?" Nezu leaned a bit over his desk.

"I know you have cameras in every room in all of the dorms and the school, so pull up a tape from before the rule and after the rule was used... sir" 

"Jirou Kyoka's room?" Nezu asked and pulled up a tape only from yesterday. 

Jirou was sitting on her bed, strumming on a guitar. Only the bedside lamp was on and you could see the eye-bags in the light.

He then found a tape from the day before the rule was set, a month ago. Nezu raised his eyebrows (does he even have eyebrows?), Jirou Kyoka was not there.

The day before that day was the same, it was the same til two months before. In that tape, Jirou was sleeping soundly, smiling a little. Probably having a good dream.

"Do you know why she was not in her room for 2 months at night?" Nezu looked up at Aizawa who also had looked at the tapes.

"Check Yaoyorozu Momo's room, they seemed close when I visited her in Recovery girls office"

Nezu pulled out a tape from a month ago of Momo's room. Momo was hugging Jirou close too her chest, both sleeping heavily. They seemed happy.

Nezu sighted.

"I will make a exception for these two, as long as they do not do anything inappropriate" 

"Thank you sir, I will tell them" Aizawa got up and bowed.

When Aizawa opened the door to Recovery girl's office, almost the whole class were there. Even Bakugou. 

"I need too talk to Jirou" Aizawa said and leaned against the wall.

Nobody moved.

"Come on, get back too the classroom..." Aizawa checked his clock, "Your math starts in 5 minutes" The class shuffled out, Momo hesitated. 

"You can stay" Aizawa muttered when Momo passed him. 

Aizawa closed the door when only he, Momo and Jirou was in the room. He sat down on a chair.

"I have talked with Nezu... And he said that you can sleep in each others rooms" Jirou grinned and thanked him and Momo hugged him.

"I was not done.. you can sleep in each others rooms as long as you do not do anything, inappropriate" Momo let go of him quickly and the couple was blushing furiously.

Aizawa walked out of the office while Momo and Jirou stuttered excuses.

Jirou slept good for the first time in a month, curled up in Momo's arms.


Take care off yourself

~sincerely me

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