4 times Momo loves Jirou's freckles

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*slowly backs away from the angst request*
*runs into my notes where I wrote something at like 3 am*

...yeah, I have no idea what to write for angst. So y'all get some fluff!

---Skidadle skidoodle ur dick is now a noodle---

---1st time---

Momo didn't notice it at first. She was observant so she should have seen it, but she didn't. It was something that made her girlfriend look even more adorable.

Momo only noticed them when they were kissing on her bed, soft and sensual. Small and faint dots on her girlfriend's cheeks and nose.

She pulled away after noticing them.

"H- hey why did you just- oh air... that is a thing... right... or did I do something wro-" Jirou stopped talking.

Because she saw that Momo was staring at her cheeks, blushing slightly.

"cute" Momo mumbled under her breath, Jirou heard it and blushed.

"What are you staring at?" Jirou asked Momo.

"You have freckles! That is so cute- awww you adorable kitten" Momo gushed and pulled her girlfriend into a hug.

"Wh- you are overreacting.. I'm not cute" Jirou pouted and Momo awwed at her.

"But you are... kitten~" 

"I'm not a kitten" Jirou muttered crossing her arms over her chest.

She actually liked the pet name very much, but she would never tell Momo. 

"Suuuuure" Momo said leaning closer to kiss the corner of Jirou's mouth.

Jirou turned her head slightly so the kiss went right on her lips. Momo giggled quietly. 

---2nd time---

It was getting warmer outside, becoming summer. And with warmth there was the sun, which leads to sunburn.

Momo was easily sunburnt and she hated it. The feeling of sunscreen against her skin was not pleasant.

Jirou on the other hand, her skin was weird. She never used sunscreen and didn't end up looking like a lobster. No, she just became tan... and that was hot in Momo's eyes.

Something Momo also noticed was that Jirou's adorable freckles was easier too see. Several of their classmates had pointed it out because the freckles was very noticeable. Jirou would always blush out of embarrassment and hide her face in her hands.

"Hello there miss lobster, nice to meet you again" Jirou teased Momo.

Momo got sunburnt during one of their hero training outside in the hot weather. It was not fun.

"Fuck you miss I never get sunburnt just tan and incredible hot" Momo grumbled and sat down carefully beside Jirou.

"Oh, yes please.... you think I'm hot?" Jirou leaned closer to Momo's face.

Momo blushed and looked away.

---3rd time---

What do you do during summer break? 

Yes, you go swim, eat ice cream, stay up late and all other fun things.

... the swinging part was something that made both Jirou and Momo blush. So there they were with the rest of the class at the beach. (Good purple boi instead of Mineta). A class field-trip.

When Momo saw Jirou in her purple one pieced swimsuit she blushed. Jirou was always pretty in anything she wears. Momo's eyes landed on the freckles coating Jirou's shoulders. 

While Momo was distracted by the freckles, Jirou was definitely checking her out. Jirou was turning pink.

"I didn't know you had more freckles" Momo stated after walking up to Jirou.

"You never really asked" Jirou turned her face away blushing.

"Hmm, must have forgot to ask" Momo said kissing Jirou's cheek.

"Wanna know something more you forgot? Sunscreen" Jirou could easily see that Momo was not coated in sunscreen.


"Come on I'll help you before you turn into a lobster" Jirou teased and grabbed Momo's hand.

---4th time---

Jirou was sleeping softly on Momo's bed, along with all their books for finals. They had been studying but with all the hero training and school work, they became tired.

Momo glanced at her girlfriend. Jirou was so adorable, sleeping like a little kitten. Her freckles almost glowing golden in the light from her lamp, looking like little stars. Her face was truly an beautiful starry night sky.

With Momo being a nerd, she could easily see at least three star constellations in Jirou's freckles. There was something she always had wanted to do since she saw Jirou's freckles and it was connect them. To make her face into the night sky.

Momo quickly created a black sharpie. Bringing it to Jirou's left cheek, where the little dipper were. She drew all the constellations she could find, gently not wanting the shorter girl to wake up.

Something comedic about the constellations was that Libra and Leo was really close. Libra was her star sign and Leo was Jirou's.

Momo capped the sharpie when she was done, feeling like something was missing. Her eyes widened after realizing what was missing, planets.

She quickly created a pack of colored pencils.

Momo drew Pluto, the Earth, Mercury and finally Uranus as a inside joke between the two of them. Well maybe not inside joke, English talking people finds it funny. But they had found out together while reading about space in their free time.

The missing piece was a shooting star, but that was easy to fix. When Momo was done she snapped a photo of Jirou's sleeping now decorated face, quickly setting it as her phone locker-screen.

Momo let Jirou sleep and headed out into the common room, when she was sure Jirou was sleeping comfortably.

Todoroki asked her why she was smiling like a fool. Momo simply showed him her artwork blushing slightly. Denki peeked over his shoulder.

"No way! you drew on her face with a sharpie" Denki asked, grabbing Momo's phone to look closer.

"Oops" Momo rubbed her neck.

She had forgotten that sharpies will not go away that easily. 

---with Jirou---

Jirou yawned when she woke up, there was several books and some sharpies on the bed. Wait sharpies... She sighted, if Denki drew on her face again she would slap a bitch.

Jirou walked over to the mirror while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

She gasped, there was not a dick drawing on her face. There was lines connecting her freckles making them look like constellations, there was planets and even a shooting star. This was Momo's work.

Jirou blushed slightly, was this payback for the time she called Momo a pillow princess? Or did Momo just want to make her face look like the night sky?

Jirou hoped that it was the second.



we are 25 people in the discord server? I'm actually surprised, I thought there was like 6 people reading...

stay safe and drink water!

Mother will be in the discord server


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