Someone I truly love

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a/n Okay so hear me out, Momo a teacher at UA? And teaching the new generations of heroes? I'm going to throw her in as a math teacher.... guess what? Most of the staff we have now is still there but... older.
Italics are when they talk through the phone

---Story start here---

Momo didn't know how they had came into this topic. They were talking about love.. yay. The thing is, Momo likes love. But it's hard when your marriage is supposed to be secret.

"Sensei, you got somebody you love?" Ah, she was suspecting that question would be asked.

"hmm? I love my family and my friends" Momo said, trying hard to not answer with 'my wife'.

"Not in that way, as in romantically" one of her more gossipy students asked her.

"No" She lied. She hated lying about her love life. But they had come to an agreement to not tell the public, because they didn't know how the media would react to a pair of lesbians.


She was saved by the bell that rung for lunch, time to escape to the teachers lounge.

"That's it for today, see you tomorrow morning.

She slumped down on one of the sofas in the teachers lounge, careful not to take the sofa where Aizawa sleeps... It had been a embarrassing day when that had happen. The rest of the staff didn't stop teasing her til after a month after the accident.

"Your students giving you a hard time?" Aizawa asked from inside his yellow sleeping-bag on the other sofa.

"Yeah" She sighted and closed her eyes. 

Her phone beeped. Not really beeped, it was a G-note. Kyoka, her wife, had set it as her message signal. For the Emo's or something. Aizawa was pretty tired of getting G-noted all the time.

Kyo<3: Heyyyyy, how's work?

Momo smiled, her wife often checked in with her.

Me: 1-a is giving me a hard time, believing that i have "a secret lover" or something. But otherwise it's going great, you?

Kyo<3: Yeah, it sucks to lie to everyone... My day has been okay. Took down some bank-robbers

Me: You're not hurt are you? also, great work! I gotta go now, I have 1-b.

Kyo<3: Just some scratches! Have a good day, ly!

Me: Love you more

Kyo<3: You rly wan't to do this?

Kyo<3: cuz, I love you more then space is huge!

Me: I love you more then Midoriya loves Allmight

Kyo<3: Hey, that's not fair!

Me: Muwhahhaha, You will never out love me!

Kyo<3: wow that's not really... plus ultra of you

Me: I need to go, class starts in a couple of secs

Kyo<3: byeeee, see u tonite!

Momo smiled softly at her phone and put it in a pocket. (I- she have changed her hero costume so u know... also she got a cloak now UwU). She opened the door and got math started.

When the students were working in their books she looked down at her phone. Huh, Kyoka sent her a picture of something.

Momo felt her face heat up a little and turned of her phone. She was gonna get her revenge later.

"Sensei you okay, you look a little red" One of the 1-b students asked. 

"I'ts fine, I'm just warm" Momo said and fanned herself a little with her hand.


Momo came into the teachers lounge muttering something about "revenge" and "stupid Kyo". 

Midnight looked up from her grading.

"You okay?" Midnight asked the younger heroine.

"Peachy" Was Momo's answer.

"Oh ho?"


---Time skip brought to u by my bad sleeping habits and bad spelling---

It was a girl from 1A that saw her wedding ring, it hung in a long chain together with two dog tags with their cat's names on them. 

That's right they have two cats, a black and white clingy cat named Gray just out of spite. The other was grey and named Ash because he looked like he had bathed in ash, also Kaminari helped them naming it. The cats is both male. 

The girl, Shi Nekurumana have a necromancy quirk, basically she can raise the dead and see ghosts.

Shi had pointed it out when she had forget to put it inside her hero uniform.

"Sensei, what's that ring?" Shi asked and pointed at the gold colored ring.

Before she could answer Shoto Hikari, Quirk: Light manipulation. (An: did u know Shoto means Short?)

"No way! That's a wedding ring, isn't it?" Hikari said in excitement. 

Momo shoved the chain inside her costume again, not answering the question. 

Just as the class was beginning to ask more questions (and making bets on who she was married too), her phone ringed... The ring tone was the first 15 seconds of "miss murder" by AFI. Kyoka had picked that one out for herself.

"I need to take this" She said and stepped out of the class room.

"Hey! My one and only love" Kyoka said and Momo could hear that she was smiling.

"Hi, You missed me so much you called in the middle of class?" Momo asked with an amused grin on her face.

"Mhmm! I'm home with our fluffy sons" 

"awww, say hello from me to our sons, tell them that I miss them" Momo smiled softly, imaging her wife cuddled up with the cats

"I will, now get back to your class, love youu"

"Love you too!"

There was a click as Kyoka hung up.

Momo sighted and opened the door again. 

"... soooo, what's your sons names? And who are you married too?" Damn hearing quirks.

"... my sons are cats. They are named Grey and Ash"

"Whooooo, are you married too?" 

Momo sighted and decided to say fuck it and tell them anyways.

"If this information leaves your class, I will expel you" The class nodded.

...Shush she did not take after Mr. Aizawa's teaching methods.

"My wife's name is Jirou Kyoka, also known as the pro hero Earphone Jack" Momo answered them, no homophobic slurs were thrown at her.

"Hand over my money" Chishiki Gijutsu said to  Shi Nekurumana, Shi handed him a couple yen. It was clearly a bet about her love life.

"Please refrain from betting on my personal life"

"Yes Sensei" said class 1-a

--the end--

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