Smort Hoes pt 5

782 30 15

Yes, chili and licorice actually exist in Sweden... I love it okay???? It's my comfort food ;-;

Momo=Crafting table
Todoroki=Candy Cane
Shinsou=Washing Brains
Hatsume=Pink Blob
Kirishima=Red Sandstone

---4 pm---

Candy Cane: yeah, I'd let Shrek fuck me to death


Red Sandstone: What the ever loving fuck Shoto

Frög: Izu, ur boyfriend's high again

Bush: he is not my boyfriend right now- what the fuk

Candy Cane: COme onnnnnnnnn- u honestly cant say you wouldn't fuck Shrek

Jukebox: what the fuck did I just walk into

Pink Blob: Sorry this is my fault

Candy Cane: Shrek would be huge just sayin

Candy Cane: Shrek- hes gotta be somewhat good in bed if he has like seven kids right?

Sanic: Mei what did you do to him?

Pink Blob: Kami asked if I could make him a bong

Sanic: I am honestly not surprised

Jukebox: I can't decide whether to laugh or worry

Candy Cane: Im fone bet shrek. All big and green. HE could probably lift me so easily

Bomb: If you made a bong for fucking Pikachu, how in fuck did Icyhot end up high?

Bush: Sho where are u? Ur not in ur dorm?

Frög: He's near the forest

Pink Blob: it exploded

Sanic: That doesn't explain anything??

Jukebox: Of fucking cuorse it did

Frög: How did you make a bong explode!?

Pink Blob: it just happens

Candy Cane: Momo ate my marshmellow pillow ;((

Jukebox: *gasp*

Pink Blob: @Crafting Table how could u?

Crafting Table: ...

Crafting Table: I'm grounding both Mei and Shoto

Pink Blob: but moooooooom i didnt do anything

Jukebox: MOMMY KINK!

Pink Blob: lol no

Pink Blob: ur the one witht he mommy kink

Jukebox: and ur the one with the foot kink

Sanic: I thot we were over this?!?!?!?!

Jukebox: lol we werent

Pink Blob: aparantly not-

Pink Blob: oh god sho is here-

Pink Blob: oiajfdshbeajfisrbuojafjeir

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