Online friends

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What ya looking at Jirou?

Swedish fact today.... bra actually means good not the underwear.

No quirks in this one bro's

---rounding a corner with a bunch of lesbians---

They had met online about a year ago in a discord server for LBGTQ+ people. Under an argument about the best way to murder someone. 

Jirou had made an valid opinion. Stab them in the heart with an icicle in a place where it rains much. The icicle will melt and the police will have no evidence.

Momo had contacted her and they begun to chat regularly. 

Queerphones: hey Mo! how ur day going?

Sugar Mommy: Hi Kyoka, my day is better now that you have texted me. How's your day?

Queerphones: lol, so cheesy

Queerphones: but my day is ok,,, math homework tho :'(

Sugar Mommy: Good luck Kyoka, I need to go now. My friends wants to study.

Queerphones: GG, guess I'll stu-die with sparky

Queerphones: bye sugar

Sugar Mommy:  : )

Sugar Mommy: I'm blushing, bye Kyoka.

Jirou sighted and smiled at the emoji. If only they could meet, then they wouldn't be just online friends.

She only had two friends except for Momo, well close friends. The first one was Shinsou, they are in the same class and have the same taste in music so they clicked instantly. They are planning on starting a band.

The other one is Kaminari, or as she calls him. Sparky. He's studying to become a electrician. He's loud and annoying sometimes, but she was kind of stuck with him since he is Shinsou's boyfriend.

Sparky had dragged her into meeting his other friends, the "Bakusquad". They were loud meme-sters. The only one that were not overly happy and exited, were Bakugou. 

Bakugou is grumpy but they respect each other. He's the only one that can calm down the Bakusquad. 

On the other hand, Bakugou can only be calmed by Kirishima and Jirou. Because Kirishima is his boyfriend and Jirou is the only one he respects (except for Kiri) in the squad.

Jirou opened the Bakusquad discord group.

PunkLesbian: Hey, any1 that can help me w/ math hw?

Angry Pomeranian: Kiri and I were about to study for the math test, you could tag along

Angry Pomeranian: @Sparky DID U CHANGE MY NAME??

Sparky: Oh, uhm- Itwassero

Queen: Top 10 anime betrayals

Spiderman: Wtf man! I though we were friends... Anyways, it wasnt me

PunkLesbian: .... then kiri did it

Angry Pomeranian: ...

Hard4Baku: Huh? I didn't change ur name bae

Hard4Baku: ...

Hard4Baku: Sparky's ass finna get killed

PunkLesbian: Back to topic, help me study bro's

Sparky: Is? this? the? day? Jirou? says? bro?

PunkLesbian: .... I'll leave then

---meanwhile in Momo's groupchat---

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