The aftermath of a movie night

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this short yeeeet

---let's go---

Kyoka shifted in her sleep, being annoyed with her pillow moving. She reached down to hold it still so it wouldn't try to escape. Her pillow was such an asshole for moving, couldn't she just get some sleep?

Wait a minute, why was a pillow trying to move?

Kyoka opened her eyes slightly, the sudden light from the rest of the room almost made her flinch. She almost groaned because she was woken up. That changed quickly after realizing who her pillow was.


Kyoka barely remembered the events from earlier today. Their class having a movie night since it was their day off. She had fallen asleep on Momo's lap hearing faint sounds from the movie they had been watching.

Now she was laying here, in her crush's lap and nuzzling her face into Momo's soft stomach. 

"Are you going to wake her up?" Someone asked, Kyoka recognized the voice as Iida's but he was quiet for once. 

"Yaomomo you should carry her up to her room" Denki asked in a hushed whisper.

"I don't want to wake her up thought" Momo mumbled and Kyoka felt her shift slightly.

"What kind off lesbian wouldn't want to wake up in a strong woman's arms?" Mina mumbled to Denki.

"As class representative I say we should wake her up-"

"As I said Tenya.. I don't want to wake her up" Momo mumbled and Kyoka shifted closer to her.

"Why? She can handle it" Denki said.

"It's because-"

"Because you're secretly in love with her and think she's adorable like this?" Mina said from right behind Momo.

Momo got startled, Kyoka muffled an annoyed groan, Denki snorted and Iida muttered something about not prying into their classmates love lives.

There was an awkward silence.

"... am I that obvious?" Momo asked quietly while probably hiding her face in her hands.

Kyoka gasped silently. Momo liked her back? 

"Yeah.. kinda" Denki told her.

"Oh- god what if she knows-"

"It's fine Yaomomo, she's as dense as a rock" Mina said, probably smirking.

"It will stay between the four of us, okay Momo? Mina and Denki no gossiping about this" Iida said gently.

It felt wrong pretending to be asleep. Momo had been so brave and told them. So Kyoka breathed in and mustered up her courage.

"Well actually five" Kyoka whispers, her voice was raspy from sleep.

Denki and Mina squeaked in surprise. Momo tensed up even further, preparing to bolt any second to save herself from the embarrassment. Kyoka held onto Momo's thighs even harder so if she really decided to run she would have to be pried her away from her, she probably digging her nails into Momo's thighs too.

"Kyoka-" Momo said in that tone that made Kyoka fall for her even more.

"Before you try to run- let's talk about it?" Kyoka suggested, still clinging into Momo's  ̶b̶e̶a̶u̶t̶i̶f̶u̶l̶ thighs.

"All right- Denki, Mina let's go and let them be" Iida said and grabbed the troublemakers shoulders

"Momo- hey~ please stop panicking.. I like you back" Kyoka sat up and grabbed Momo's chin forcing her to look at Kyoka.

"Y-you do?" Momo asked in disbelief.

"What if I kissed you right here and now?" Kyoka asked, feeling bold.

"Oh- uhm" 

Momo didn't get to answer her sentence before Kyoka kissed her softly on the lips.


we dont really have to figure that long ending do we?

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