5am kitchen adventures

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Jirou was raiding the fridge (and listening to music) because she was hungry and couldn't sleep. She found a orange juice with Denki's name on it. He wouldn't know if she drank off it? Jirou hummed and filled a glass with orange juice.

"You know, it's not good to drink juice in the middle of the night" Jirou jumped at Momo's voice.

"Oh hi Momo, why are you up? It's late" Said and took a gulp of the orange juice.

"I was studying, why are you up?" 

"I was thirsty" her stomach rumbled

"Hungry too it seems" Momo smirked and Jirou blushed. Jirou got a brilliant idea and walked over to her phone and put on a slow song.

"May I have this dance" Jirou asked and held out a hand for Momo to take. Now it was Momo who blushed and took Jirou's hand. 

They danced in the kitchen for god knows how long. Well, at least until they where interrupted. Iida, Todoroki and Deku stood in the kitchen entrance, Iida had coughed. Todoroki was smiling and filming. Fuck. (since Todoroki and Momo are friends, I would assume Momo have much black mail on Todoroki so he is getting some on her)

Jirou and Momo broke apart, flusterd.

"H-How long have you three been standing there" asked the vice president.

"O-Oh we just came here" Said Midoriya.

"... you suck at lying Midoriya" said Jirou. 

A long silence followed. 

"I shall start with breakfast, Kyoka wanna join me?" Said Momo after a while.

---the end---

(If you want to leave suggestions do that!)

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