Soulmate and no quirks AU

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I call this soulmate AU flashes. Basically u get small visions at random of what ur soulmate sees.
I love u all, now on with the story!
everything in italics is a soulmate flash/vision.

---bopity boop n0w iT's sToRy tiiiiiiiime!---

A teacher. Or a teacher assistant?.. somebody who reads books, owns a cat, teach kids and drinks a ridiculous amount of tea. Through the flashes or visions she could see that her soulmate is tall, wears glasses and black hair that would get into their face sometimes. Her soulmate is friends with a glasses boy, a broccoli, a green haired girl and a brown haired girl. Her soulmate is a female. Her soulmate laughs real pretty. Jirou loves her soulmate, even if they have never met... yet.

Momo's soulmate.. is rather short. Her soulmate is in a band, the singer. Her soulmate has short purple hair that she colors. Her soulmate often hangs around a angry blonde, a loud blond, a emo boy with a red choker, a bi-colored boy, a pink haired girl, a tired boy and a black haired boy. Her soulmate enjoys music, lives in a shitty apartment and writes song lyrics late into the night. Momo believes her soulmate is female, she has recently become okay with that thought.


Jirou blinked, another soulmate vision. This time she had seen a class full of 10 year old children. She recognized one of the children. Eri, it was Hitoshi's adopted little sister.

"Hey Tired™" Jirou said as she jogged up so she was walking next to Hitoshi.

"How did you even say that out loud?" Hitoshi said to his shorter band-mate in confusion.

"Doesn't matter, my soulmate teaches your sister" Jirou whispered so the people they were passing wouldn't hear them.

"Aren't all teachers.. old?" Hitoshi asked.

"Not all of them!" Jirou shivered at the thought of having a old granny like person.

"I guess you could come with me tomorrow when i'm picking Eri up from school" 

"Thank you" Jirou smiled.

"Oh, my bus is here.. see you at practice tomorrow!" Jirou waved and sat in a free seat.


A tall tired looking man with lavender colored hair was talking with her soulmate

"-en't all teachers.. old?" He said in a monotone voice.

"Not all of them!" Her soulmate nearly screamed, Her soulmate shivered. Was she cold?

"I guess you could come with me tomorrow when i'm picking Eri up from school" 

Eri? Momo knew that name. Eri Aizawa? Was this Eri's dad? no he was too young, besides she had met both of her dads.. which means, the lavender haired man is Eri's older brother. Hotoshi Aizawa.

"Thank you" Her soulmate sounded happy

"Oh, my bus is here.. see you at practice tomorrow!" Her soulmate took a seat in the very back.

---soulmate vision over---

Momo blinked, her students were watching her.

"A-ah sorry about that, soulmate visions you know" Momo smiled a little.

"Ma'm what are soulmate visions?" One of her students asked.

"Oh- I guess I could tell you" Her students perked up, wanting to know more.

"When you turn 16 you start to get random visions of what your soulmate is doing. You see through your soulmates eyes." Momo smiled a little, as a teenager she always loved when she got to see the various instrument her soulmate played or just hearing her soulmate talk. 

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