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waking up with a huge headache, the tanned male decided to get up

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waking up with a huge headache, the tanned male decided to get up. everything was different, the bed felt softer, the air felt lighter, and the smell of breakfast— wait, was someone in his house?

getting up as quick as possible, he groaned slightly when the pounding headache came back once again, making him clutch onto his head while he looked back down onto the bed. he can't remember a thing, only when he recommended him and his older cousin to go to a club... fuck!

he probably went to a club a slept with a random male!

checking his surrounding, he now realised that it was not his apartment. next, he checked his clothes and screamed when he was in different clothes. did he really lose his virginity already?

groaning and walking out of bed, he finally realises that he was in a familiar— too familiar house hold, running down the stairs and jumped when he saw all three of them in the living room as if waiting for him.

furrowing his brows at the omega, he pointed a finger at him, "did we sleep together?"

the father drinking tea was now choking his life out, probably too shock to even hear it from donghyuck. the mother, which was already expecting it stayed calm and stood up from the couch. "donghyuck darling, settle down first." she started pouring him a cup of tea and pushed it towards his direction. "no, you both didn't sleep together. mark rushed to go get you when he heard that you were drunk. also, it's a monday, but mr. lee has already called to leave you both out of school for today and tomorrow... so spend your time wisely and be careful."

he looked at the alpha, blushing hard becuase he had just realised that mark had brought him home. for the first time, someone cared. no, the whole family in this house cared for him, and he was more than happy to receive this affection.

"so," mark says, standing up excitedly. "we are going on a date."

even the mother didn't expect this. the father that had previously choked was now chasing around the house for air, probably was about to die any minute from now. a gasp coming from the mother, she stood up and waited for donghyuck's answer. the parents will never admit it, but they would be so happy if they got together. mark had never been happier before, and he has improved very much ever since he started talking about the omega. the father could see his little effort of coming home every weekend and spending most of his extra time at home. they appreciated donghyuck, he fixed mark. he was there to help mark at his lowest point, no parent wouldn't want that for their child.

the omega, who was still shocked, jaw dropped to the ground. "w—what!"

mark took both the shocked omega's hands, giving him a warm yet gentle smile. "you have a choice to say no, and you don't have to answer me right now—"

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