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Part 2 of Sky_Melody12's request :)

INTJ (male) x INFP (female)

After making sure that her roommate was ready for a date this evening, Celine rushed back to the library to meet Matthias. 

Three weeks have passed since that eventful day which led her to spend some time with another person for research all because of a single reference book. 

Upon arriving at the entrance of the library, she immediately spots Matthias sitting at the table they frequent when they meet to use the book. 

For the past days though, Matthias has been sharing the progress of his work from the layout of his software to the variables he intends to measure with the different functions found in it. At first, Celine thought that he was doing it out of spite, out of a want to belittle her and the qualitative research she chose to make. But his intentions were apparently good when she realized that he has been showing his work in hopes to also get the chance to see hers. 

Two days ago, she finally showed him her work and she was scared the whole time. As Matthias read through it, Celine watched how his eyes skimmed through the document on her laptop and she couldn’t help to fiddle with the hem of her shirt out of nervousness and worry.

And she was right with feeling worried because he only told her parts that she needs to change... or was it, delete? She does not know now. Maybe she became deaf to his words after feeling her heart drop to her stomach when Matthias had nothing nice to say.

“You’re late,” he utters as Celine takes the seat across from him.

“Sorry,” Celine apologizes under her breath. “My roommate had a dilemma.”

“Which one?” Matthias asks while sliding a new bottle of water, from his bag, on the table towards Celine.

Celine takes it and nods at him as thanks before answering, “Lea. Apparently, she has this date or dinner party or whatever.”

Matthias purses his lips then nods in assent. “I see. Well, I think you can get started with your paper again.”

“Oh, can you check my paper, again?” Celine brings out her laptop from her tote bag and places it on the table to switch it on. “I took into account what you said about the changes that could make my paper...better.” She turns her laptop around to show him the screen displaying a soft copy of her paper.

“Sure.” He slides her laptop closer to him and silences himself as he reads through the paper. Celine waits anxiously and quietly, biting her bottom lip. After a while, she notices how his eyebrows furrow together in confusion. “Celine?” he voices out unsurely, “did you delete the whole section?”

Yes, that is exactly what she did. Matthias found something wrong with it days ago so Celine decided to delete the whole section itself. 

“You said that it needed changes,” Celine replies, growing more dreadful. “So yes, I deleted it so that it’s gone. It won’t bother me anymore.”

“Celine, I only pointed out the change in one paragraph!” he exclaims, not minding the other students who got disturbed from their studying for a moment there.

“Matthias, keep your voice down!” Celine yells in a whisper and cups a hand at the side of her face to keep it hidden from the other students in case they might recognize her.
Matthias does not care, though. He is too bewildered to even care about the others. “Celine, your paper is remarkable.”

The girl’s eyes widen out of surprise. She was not expecting to hear that from someone like Matthias. “Y-You think so?” she stammers.

“Of course, I do! It gives such a fresh insight towards this community since not that many wish to have them as their participants. Your focus on the depressed community can be a gamechanger when published.”

“But you said that it needed changes in the theoretical framework, which is basically the backbone of my research.”

“Yes,” he replies, “but just that specific paragraph in your framework since it contained jargon and some terms which were misleading. Other than that, your paper is going well.”

Celine sighs deeply and drops her head on her arms resting on the table. “You could have said that, Matthias,” she whines, looking up at him. 

“That’s what I did,” he points out then shakes his head to dismiss the topic. 

“I must have been overthinking and worrying too much again, dammit,” Celine swears under her breath. Matthias chuckles softly and slides the laptop back towards Celine.

“I thought that you were just focusing on the rich and poor in general,” he says, “but you're taking into account a number of communities which are very specific in terms of geographical area, population, livelihood, and other things like that. It makes me...it makes me want to team up with you.”

Celine sits straight and utters in disbelief, “What?”

“Think about it! We help each other even if it’s clear that we do not like working with different people. But maybe, this arrangement can work out...for the both of us.”

For the both of us…

Celine did not want those words to affect her, but she never also thought of the circumstances those words brought her to. 

Maybe, if she gave him a chance, working together won’t be so bad after all. 


Thank you for waiting ♡ I hope you liked this one :))

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