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Requested by jennie_saturn

ISTP (male) x ISFJ (female)

To the trashcan!

Another beef wellington that has to go uneaten…unless one would want a stomachache to last for days or even weeks.

No one ever gets defeated by food, unless such a person would be Mads. Heaving one big and loud exhale, he had to throw away another beef wellington that he hoped would be edible after two tries.

Yes, he may be good at finding the most logical way out of sticky situations, but he is no master when it comes to the so-called ‘art’ of cooking.

Luckily, Imma, his apartment neighbor and best friend, is one patient person. “I’m so sorry,” she apologizes for the nth time tonight.

“Why are you apologizing to me?” Mads continues to scrape the rest of the beef wellington from the plate to the open trashcan. “I’m the one who didn’t cook it for a long time. I knew that it was too short,” he murmured toward the end, noting how undercooked the dough around the meat is. And it seemed like a salmonella infection was waving hi at him with how pink the middle part of the beef is.

“But I’m the one who’s teaching you, Mads.”

He places the empty plate inside the sink. “Yes, and I knew that this was going to be difficult for me because I’m biased toward baking.” He stops to raise a finger at her and continues, “Because baking is a science, and cooking–”

“Is an art,” Imma finishes, knowing the words that he kept repeating all night. “And I know that ‘you can’t bake forever during graduate school.’” She said while miming air quotes. “Yet just like baking, patience plays an important role in cooking.”

“I should get used to having take-out every single day, then.”

Imma slightly slaps his chest, unhappy with his comment. “Hey. Don’t tell me that you’re going to be spending a lot of money on food that might not be healthy!”

Mads coughs out a laugh and shakes his hands in front of her. “I was just kidding! Half-kidding.”

Imma glared at him and he takes back his words, “Okay, fine,” he admits, “I might resort to some deliveries here and there, but I promise that I’ll make sure to have some healthy food delivered.”

“You sure about your promise?” She says skeptically. “You’re always keen on forgetting your promises, you know.”

“How about this, then,” he proposes, “I will think of you every time I prepare my food to eat or order for delivery. It will be as if you’re with me, Imma.”

She almost broke down in tears at that moment. Please think of me all the time. She wanted to tell him her real feelings, but fear got the best of her.

This has been her problem ever since Mads told her that he was leaving for another country and will stay there for at least two years. She can’t imagine going through her days without seeing Mads or even greeting him from next door. There would be nights after having dinner with him that she would cry back in her apartment, the feeling of loneliness slowly creeping up on her after each day. 

So when Mads asked her to teach him how to cook well, she took up the offer immediately. As long as she gets to spend more time with him.

“Can you list for me the different dishes you are able to cook now?” She asks, hoping to change the topic before her emotions get the best of her.

Luckily, Mads does as she says. “Hmm, definitely scrambled eggs, some different kinds of pasta, an overwhelming amount of fried dishes, steamed vegetables…do instant noodles count?”

“Okay, some of the things you listed may not be considered as something that is ‘cooked’, but I think you’ll survive by picking up some other things when you leave.”

“Damn, I’m leaving in a week.” Mads shook his head in disbelief. “It just dawned on me that I’m going to miss this very much.” 

“Miss what?”

Mads brings his hands up, looking around his apartment. “This. This place, this neighborhood, my life here, and…” He then looks back at Imma, “and,” he begins again, “I’ll miss…the people here.” There was an edge of reluctance in his voice. They both noticed it and none made a comment about it.

Imma clears her throat and tells him, “I'm going to miss visiting you for help.”

“Help in what? Assembling your newest furniture from IKEA?”

They both share a light laugh and it did liven the mood in the room.” That and…other stuff. Anything with life. It was always fun talking to you until the sunrise.”

He audibly breathes out in content. He looks around him. “We did have good conversations here.” He runs his hand down a small area of the kitchen counter. “To be honest, I did not ask you for help in cooking so that I can take care of myself,” He confesses bashfully, “…I did it because I was feeling sad about leaving you.”

Undoubtedly, Imma was touched by the sincerity in his voice. “Oh, Mads.” She clasps her hands over her heart. Now she couldn’t keep her tears at bay any longer. “And I immediately said yes because I felt the same,” she cries softly. “I’m missing you already.”

“Hey,” he calls out to her softly and then opens his arms wide, “I’m still here.”

She rushes to give him an embrace, the best one she could muster with all her strength – one that she hoped would convey every feeling and word she wanted him to know.

But that’s the thing about the two of them – they don’t have to say anything out loud for the other to know. They just know.

“Will you welcome me to your new place if ever I visit?”

Mads hugged her tighter and with his lips resting against the top of her head, he breathes out against her hair, “I always will.”


I hope you liked this one!! ♡

Some positive traits of ISTP: logical, spontaneous, action-oriented

Some positive traits of ISFJ: altruistic, patient, harmonious

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