(22.2) ESFJ X ISFP

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ESFJ (male) x ISFP (female)

"F-Forgive me, Your Majesty! Punish me with death!"

"Why on earth would I punish my queen's maid with death for only following her command?" King Vilko grumbles through gritted teeth, climbing his way through the snow that was about two-feet high above the ground. Making sure that his disguise is still intact and that he still is kept warm with the layers of clothing on him, he fights his way (almost stumbling at times) through the snow that was still constantly falling to the ground.

"Her Majesty went out like the usual, Your Majesty."

"The usual? Whatever do you mean?"

"H-Her Majesty would always make time to go out and explore the kingdom at this time of the night."

King Vilko was gobsmacked. "Why does it have to be at this time?"

"...Because she would not get caught."

"This has been occurring for weeks?" He continued, his breath floating like mist under the constant falling snow as he spoke to himself. It was freezing cold and the five layers of clothing are gradually becoming not enough to lessen the growing numbness of King Vilko's skin. His teeth were chattering and he made sure to have his whole head covered except his eyes. It would be a foolish idea to go around the kingdom blind. And, mind you, he still made sure to hide who he really was.

The kingdom adheres to a strict curfew since the winter season could be harsh and poses a great risk for those that still go around late at night. The King appoints some palace guards to stay in different areas stationed around the kingdom to watch over the people and cease those who break curfew. Those who break it are not given punishment, they will simply be given a place to stay until sunrise.

King Vilko is never someone who advocates violence as an answer to problems. He loves his people and, as much as possible, he does not want them to be afraid of him.

Is that a reason why he feels that some nobles and courtmen are taking advantage of him at conferences?

There was a time when his queen witnessed tension at a royal conference between the king and one of the courtmen there. The king relented, the court man felt victorious, and the queen seemed to look disappointed. Vilko could never erase that image from his mind - the way his queen's lips formed into a tight line, how she gingerly curled her fingers to form a fist, and her eyes that threw him a firm look toward his direction. Those eyes not only showed disappointment, but it looked as if she was ready for a fight.

It was his first time to see his queen in such a state because she has always been gentle with the people around her. Maybe not that much of a talkative person, but her aura and way of speaking commanded nothing but obedience.

Though...not the obedience of everyone. People around the palace think that she is behind the missing things in the kitchen. And what if it is true? His doubts are clouding his head more because she was never in her room.

He stops by the end of an icy and snow-covered road and leans against the nearest tree behind him. He sees small houses with all their windows covered and smoke wafting from their chimneys. His people are asleep and here he is, braving the snow to find his queen.

At least on a cold night, silence is his companion. The palace has been feeling a bit claustrophobic, especially with people having their way. For once, he is given the chance to listen to his own thoughts.

He closes his eyes and mutters, "I think resting here for a few moments won't hurt."

The cool breeze gives this constant whistling sound that travels through the air. It is like a song being sung by heavenly ghosts going from one place to another.

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