(17.4) ENTJ X INFJ

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Part 4 (THE LAST)

Wow, this might be the longest 'imagine' out of all hahaha I hope you'll enjoy the last part!

ENTJ (male) x INFJ (female)

Shit,” Ben couldn’t help to murmur in shock at the sight before him. 

Being in this war for a long time has desensitized Ben in many ways. From his widespread collection of books in the public library he used to work at to suddenly being thrown to take care of a collection of the bodies of people who died during combat – anything like that could desensitize a person. 

Before, when he was still new in the war effort, he would find himself heaving all his guts out when he would be surrounded by bloody people, all injured in different parts of their bodies. Some are fighting for their lives while others lie peacefully, finally enjoying their eternal rest. 

Now, Ben would not even bat an eyelash when he had to shoot an enemy soldier. Hearing loud cries of anguish from enemies or his wounded men won’t make him want to recoil in a fetus position and cover his ears anymore. Instead, he treats them as white noise. 

But this…this hits him differently. “Mala…”

“B-Ben?” He saw how she struggled to keep her eyes open. She laid on the ground before him, her hair all dirtied and strewn all over the ground and her face, her arms limp in an attempt to wrap them around herself but he could tell that she was in pain. On her exposed skin, Ben instantly notices bruises starting to form in different areas. Even the skin around her left eye is starting to swell and he knows that it’s going to be a black eye in a few hours. 

His heart clenches at the woman who is clearly in pain and it’s something that he thought he would be used to. But no. Perhaps it hits differently because it’s Mala. This is not someone who was merely a passing face. She is someone that he slowly confided in despite how short they knew each other. 

How was he able to show a vulnerable side of him to her? Perhaps because it was brought by the situation at hand or that he knew that she wouldn’t hurt him. Or that she was unapologetically herself. And that, in itself, is enough for him to trust her.

That’s why he could not shake off the guilt that had been haunting him ever since his men captured her. And now he knows that it’s his fault she’s injured. No, wait, how stupid of him to think that she's 'injured'. Mala was tortured and it's all because of him.

"Shit, what did they do to you?" He couldn't help but speak in his native tongue and immediately went to her side. “Mala…w-what…?” His voice trailed off. 

"They…they were desperate." Mala tries to sit up, but Ben instantly stops her. 

"No, God, please don't try to move," the concern and worry in his voice could not be missed. He gently lays his hands on her, one slowly shifts to hold her from the back while the other gingerly raises the right sleeve of her jacket. He winces, finding more bruises forming on her arm. “I’m going to kill those fu-”

 “Ahh!” Mala suddenly lets out a sharp cry in pain, shifting her body to curl up more into a ball. She shouts out loud again then chokes on her breath, fat tears rolling down her face. 

If it were not for her shifting to a different position in his arms, Ben would have not seen the dark and dense wet spot slowly getting bigger through the backside of Mala’s jacket. His eyes widen and all the more he could feel his heart beating fast in his head. “Mala, I’m sorry. I am so so sorry.” 

“It’s…It’s not your fault,” she croaks out as Ben goes to work on trying to stop the open wound by her backside – a wound that was left behind when the enemy soldiers came to torture her. "It's n-not your fault-"

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