(24.2) ISFP X ENTJ

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Part 2! I'm back btw ♡ I had COVID-19 for the past weeks but I'm feeling a lot better now.

Image cto: One Dog Woof

ISFP (male) x ENTJ (female)

"Mom, dad!"

"Dan! Honey, it's so good to see you!"

It felt weird for him to see his parents hug him, but he's not feeling any of that affection at all.

No, he's just watching at the side. Because he's not in his body at the moment.

Remember? He's still in the body of a woman - Nix's body.

What a painful reminder that has to drop on him the moment he sees his parents show their warmth and tenderness to his body which Nix is currently in.

It's his mom that spots him first, standing somewhat behind his body. "Oh my, and are you Vernice?" She walks over to him with a huge excited smile on her face.

Just as he was about to reply, he was immediately engulfed in a warm embrace from his own mother. "It's so nice to finally meet you, dearie!" His mom continues.

"I-It's nice to meet you as well, Mrs. dela Cruz," Dan manages to reply and hides his sigh of relief when he is released from the soul-crushing hug of his mother. "Please, call me Nix."

"Thank you so much for inviting us to your home, Nix, my dear." His mom then looks around, a serene smile adorning her features. "I absolutely love how your place looks. It feels very warm and welcoming here."

"Well, I-I should be the one thanking you for coming here." Dan throws a nervous glance at Nix who's watching from across the room. "Dan," he raises an open hand toward Nix's direction, "has been taking really good care of me despite not being at his own place most of the time." He nervously giggles, the voice of Nix sounding oddly weird. From across the room, he spots Nix trying to stifle a laugh threatening to bubble out of his body. A wave of relief courses through him. He's happy to see that Nix is not reacting strongly against her odd behavior demonstrated by him.

Actually, he's been noticing how she's been nicer to him for the past week.

She's not as impatient as she used to be around him and she would love to start new conversations with him.

Even at work, when she's known to be an alpha female, she would always take the time to instruct him on what he needs to do for the day, and slowly she would start to allow him to finish her tasks.

"But wait, shouldn't you be doing these things when we get back home?"

"What are you talking about? I've seen the way you work. I know you can handle it. I trust that you'll be able to handle it."

It was Dan's first time to hear her talk to him with such sincerity. She has always overlooked him or despised the fact that they had to work together. She thinks that he's not aware of her feelings of annoyance and disappointment toward him. He knew ever since the beginning, the only difference is that he knows when to keep his mouth shut. Thus, it was truly a...weird experience to hear her saying that she trusts him.

But internally, it made him happy to hear those words from her, of all people. In some way, her words made him feel that he is worthy of her time and attention. That kind of feeling may seem pathetic to some, but it meant the world to him.

Nix doesn't know about Dan's silent happiness because he never told her...and he has no plans to.

Both prepared dinner for Dan's parents, with Dan doing most of the cooking.

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