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Part 3 of Sky_Melody12's request, but emotionalamna specifically asked for this part :3

INTJ (male) x INFP (female)

I’m late, I’m late, I’m FREAKING LATE! Celine could not stop panicking internally as she clutches on tightly to the handle of her bag as she rushes through the university grounds to head to one of their many auditoriums where the research study defense is currently ongoing. 

Of all days she had to oversleep during a nap, it had to be during an important day for Matthias. She promised him that she’ll be there to quietly support him during his defense. She promised him that she’ll be part of the audience to listen to his presentation. She even promised him that she’ll ask a question during the defense so that he would be able to show how competent and well-versed he is with the topic. 

She promised all these things...but she never got to do any of them. 

Her heart continues to beat rapidly, not only because of her running but because of the sudden realization that she may not be able to make it to anything. She could literally feel her heart breaking apart just with the mere thought of it. She does not want to bring Matthias down; she does not want to disappoint him. 

Celine may be in constant denial herself, but deep down, she’s aware that the way she sees Matthias has changed already. Perhaps...in that heart of hers...there may be space for a certain guy who’s too stubborn yet charming for his own good. Spending time with him made her grow comfortable in his presence and the constant teasing from her roommates did not help with her changing of feelings for the guy. 

Okay, so maybe she does like him. If she can’t find it in her to tell him how she feels, the least that she could do is be there for him as a friend that he respects and enjoys spending time and talking with. That explains why she feels so mad at herself for being late for an important day of his.

After dashing through a sea of students as some of the classes have ended for the day and somewhat pushing her way through some freshmen who always love to block the corridors with their cliques (A.N. no hate to college freshmen but back in my university, they always blocked the way I SWEAR HAHAHUHU), she finally reached the large and heavy wooden doors that lead to the auditorium where the research defense is currently occurring. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through her veins that gave her the extra strength to push open the door and enter the large room in a rush. 

“This seems a bit idealistic especially given the time for you to finish and present your final paper,” the intimidating voice of one of the panelists, seated at a long table with four other panelists, reverberated throughout the room. Celine halts in her step, noting the palpable tension between the panelist and the student presenting in front. 

Oh no, please don't let it be him. Celine’s heart dropped to her stomach when her gaze landed on the guy standing in the middle of the stage. 

“I agree with Professor Jawhari,” another panelist adds, “The premise of your paper is brilliant but it would take years for it to be finished since it takes on a very broad approach of how you want to focus on the community at hand. You are looking at it in a sense that calls for a longitudinal way.”

“I understand, ma’am,” the student onstage coolly responds, a serious look on his face. But Celine knew better for she knew the person standing there.

From all students that the panelists had to tear apart, it had to be Matthias. 

As Celine stands by the door, she could see from afar how he clenches his jaw and forces out a smile and nod with every comment said by the panelists. Her face falls and she brings a hand over her chest. “Matthias,” she murmurs sadly under her breath as she continues to painfully watch him stand there all alone and get berated by people who supposedly know more than him. Yes, the panelists are professionals in their field, but Celine found it wrong for them to look down on Matthias’s work and not praise him for the effort he has given to this paper. 

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