(17.3) ENTJ X INFJ

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Part 3!

ENTJ (male) x INFJ (female)

Open it.”

B-But, sir-”

Did I not utter a command?” Ben throws his head to the side to glare at the soldier standing before the door which separates him from seeing Mala. As a POW, she’s placed in one of their makeshift holding rooms as the higher-ups want to isolate her for questioning. "Stop wasting my time and open it."

"Sir, yes sir." The soldier in charge instantly complies with his senior and opens the door for the lieutenant. “As per the order of the captain, I have to keep the door open.”

That’s not necessary.”

The moment Ben enters the room and closes the door behind him, he is roughly pushed against the wall.

"Sir!" The soldier on the other side shouts in alarm as he witnesses what happened through the small glass window on the door.

Mala’s face showed nothing but rage and she shouts right at Ben’s face, “You wicked man!”

Sir! I need to get you out of there!”

No!” Ben sharply shouts back at him. “Do not inform the rest regarding this and leave me.” He then looks straight into Mala’s furious eyes, though his next words are still for the soldier, “I can handle her.”

The soldier shows a bit of reluctance at first before he takes a step back and stands straight to raise his hand to his head in a salute. Without another word, he leaves.

Ben then whispers, “Mala…” He could still feel how tight the woman before him was holding the collar of his uniform.

Her eyes still hold the same fire she had when he entered. It’s now that he notices how haggard-looking she is. The bags under her eyes seem heavy and dark, and her face looked all droopy as if she didn’t get any wink of sleep.

“I only did what was right!” She seethes. Then a pained expression gradually washes over her. “I only did what was right,” she repeats in a softer voice. “...So why am I feeling this way now?” Slowly she lets go of his clothes and drops her arms listlessly.

“I told you that humanity won’t get you through this war, Mala.” Although those words can come off as cold and relentless, Ben said them in a manner that sounded pitiful. It was as if he did not want to hear those words as well.

“Oh, shut it, Lieutenant Walt!” She bites back. “Were you even planning to tell me in the first place? You know what? You should have told me the moment I brought up that rumor. In fact, you should have killed me in my sleep!”

“So how you’re treating me now is solely based on rumors you’ve heard of me?”

“Why? Are they false?” Mala taunts him, “Tell me, Lieutenant Walt, did you or did you not kill more than your men out there?”


“How could I not be mad?! How could I not fear you?! I am standing in front of a man who has killed countless of my countrymen - brothers, husbands, friends. Everyone fears you, even your own comrades! I’d rather you kill me right here, right now.”

“What does knowing my full name make me any different from the man you were with for the past days?!” He bursts out in anger that Mala had to take a step back. Ben breathes out a heavy breath and faces the other direction as he squares his jaw. “You even said it yourself that we’re both human,” he continues in a calm manner, “and yet we have a mission. That is to kill each other.” He sets his lips into a tight line and throws a serious look toward her. “You had every chance to kill me, Mala. Even if you didn’t know who I really was, the mere fact that I’m your enemy should have pushed you to kill me. Yet…you didn’t.”

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