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ESFJ (male) x ESFP (female)

“There’s my boyfriend.”

“And there's my patient who needs to be lying on the bed.”

“Aw, come on, Nurse Ram,” Duygu, a patient with a cast around her leg elevated on an extra pillow, groans playfully. She spreads her arms, showing him that sitting up in bed is not hurting her at all. “You underestimate my flexibility. I didn’t go to ballet classes for nothing.”

The nurse enters her room with a cart he brings with him all over the hospital. “You went to ballet for only four years. From when you were five to nine years old," he points out. "Kindly remind me how old you currently are?”

“And it is a grave sin to ask a woman her age!”

Ram bursts out into soft laughter and shakes his head in disbelief. “Duygu, you’re still the same as back when we were in college.”

“Yeah.” She shrugs. “But you’re the one who continued with nursing.”

"Aw, come on," he says, "To be honest, you're the lucky one. You didn't have to go through early or 24-hour shifts." He bends down to grab some supplies from the bottom tray of his cart.

"But is my degree in mass communication healing my leg now? Can I talk my way out of the pain?"

Nurse Ram shoots up and asks in concern, "You’re feeling pain? Where are you feeling pain?"

"Yo, relax. I was just kidding."

"You sure? Tell me, okay? Don’t hesitate to inform me, please."

"Gosh!" Duygu laughs. She reaches over to give him a playful slap on the arm. "What a worrywart!"

“Come on, I can’t help it.” He grabs his I.D. tucked in his chest pocket and shoves it to her. “I’m a nurse,” he says matter-of-factly, raising an eyebrow.

“Wow, what a way to rub it in to a shiftee,” She huffs out, crossing her arms before her.

Knowing that she’s only playing with him again, Nurse Ram leans close and whispers, “But I know you love me.”

“Nah, don't forget that I hate you too. Has anyone told you that you’re such an annoying person?”

This has always been their dynamic ever since they were blockmates in college under the same major of nursing. They clicked the instant they had that first icebreaker when it was the first day of class (and people just wanted to know each other). Ever since then, they’ve been friends even if Duygu decided to shift majors after finding that a major in nursing is not really her thing.

People back in college would tease them for spending so much time together, and yes, they may have had a bit of a crush on each other. Though, that was mostly because of all the teasing. They kept their friendship despite that and eventually, they learned to trust one another not as a couple but simply as people who truly respect and care for each other.

It was a good thing they never ended up together in a romantic relationship. The dynamic of their shared platonic relationship is one that the people around them envy.

Duygu still likes teasing Ram by calling him her boyfriend, but they both know they aren’t each other’s types now. She simply likes to mess around with him at times.

When she found herself in an accident that caused her to be confined in the hospital for the next few weeks, she was glad to know that Nurse Ram was assigned to her. People in the hospital don’t know that they are close friends. It feels like they are back in college again – seeing each other on a daily basis, talking and laughing about the most random things (well, as if they didn’t see each other after their respective work schedules). At least now, she doesn’t have to make excuses to her co-workers as to why she couldn’t hang out with them after work! Her co-workers can sometimes come off as nosy people.

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