(23) ENTP X ISFJ by @careamel12

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Welcome to the first of my collab series 🤩

This one is made by careamel12 and I absolutely love how the imagine turned out ♡ Shower them with love, luvies!!

Requested by everthisful_

ENTP (male) x ISFJ (female)

In her opinion, doing her morning routine has always been one of the best parts of Olivia's day. She loved the peaceful solitude of her room as she took care of herself and gathered her thoughts, preparing for the day ahead of her. This was exactly what she was doing now, as she gazed at herself in the mirror, putting her makeup on. 

Today was the day of the Flower Fest, an activity headed by the student dormers each year to celebrate Valentine’s day, in which they send a person of their choice flowers, bought from and delivered by volunteering dormers.  This year, Olivia was voted to lead the preparations by the dorm officers, along with James, one of her dormmates, who volunteered to help her out. 

A small smile made its way to her face, as she thought of her surprisingly helpful colleague. 

James had been wonderful to work with over the course of the preparations, suggesting her ideas left and right. He even went as far as to text her in the middle of the night, claiming that he would forget his ideas if he didn't share them with her then and there. She had suggested for him to write it down in his notes so he wouldn't, to which he only sent her a shrugging emoji with "I like discussing my ideas with you." 

Flustered, she had forgotten to respond to that text, in the midst of her suddenly racing heart, and trying to figure out if he meant something by that message. 

When she had realised her mistake the next morning, she immediately felt terrible for leaving him hanging, and went in search of him to apologise. That's when the flirting started. 

And if she was to be honest with herself, she wouldn't say she didn't like it. 

Another alarm went off, this time coming from her phone, and she packed her makeup back into its kit, having just about finished as well. It was time to head out. 


The hallway was cold and quiet as Olivia silently made her way out of her room, closing the door gently behind her, so as not to make a sound. It was still very early, about four in the morning to be exact, and most of the building was still tucked away in their beds, fast asleep. 

The volunteers had decided to deliver the flowers very early so that the other dormers could have them by the time they woke up. They agreed to meet at the lobby of the fourth and top floor of the dorm, where there were fewer occupants, and fewer people to likely walk in on them. 

As Olivia made her way up the stairwell, she quickly went over the plan she had made a few days ago and was now to be put into action. She was going to deliver James flowers, ones that she got for him. However, she didn't want to let him know, as she was all of a sudden feeling very shy around him. So instead of putting her name on the card that came with the bouquet, she simply put 'Anonymous' on it. But deep down, she hoped he would know it was her who sent them. 


Watching his fellow volunteers drag themselves into the meeting area strangely felt like watching a bunch of zombies rise from the dead. James couldn't blame them, he felt much the same way as they did. Normally he would still be in his REM cycle at this hour, but he had just about managed to pull himself out of bed to help out with the last stages of the Flower Fest. 

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