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Requested by marshies_library

ENTP (male) x INFJ (female)

It was dark and stuffy and hopeless. 

Being stuck in an elevator is a complete waste of time. Being stuck in an elevator with a stranger is an anxiety-inducing experience.

Cassiopeia just could not explain what is happening and what she is currently feeling. 

It started with her taking the elevator to go back to the floor where her department is located and a guy, she would see around the design department, taking the same elevator as well. Suddenly, it stopped while it shook a bit and now they are stuck in the darkness...on an unknown floor. 

For the past few minutes, she’s been pressing on the yellow emergency button with hopes that someone would come to save them at any minute. The man beside her resorted to sitting on the ground. He brought out his phone and tried calling for, assumably, help. But no one answered. Maybe there’s no signal in this dark and stuffy elevator. 

“You might as well sit down as we wait for someone to get us.” Cassiopeia hears the man speak from behind her.

Quietly, she complies, placing her things first on the ground.

“Ah, wait!” The man suddenly utters, causing the woman to stop in her actions. He turns on the flashlight in his cellphone and places it facedown on the ground. With the soft light illuminating just enough space in the elevator, Cassiopeia watches how the man takes off the jacket around him and lays it on the ground beside him. “We wouldn’t want you to sit on the dirty ground, would we?” 

She could not mask her surprise with the sudden chivalrous act. “Oh! Well, uh...thank you.” She nods her head at him, acknowledging his gallant action before finally taking a seat on the ground with the jacket under her. It’s nice and a bit embarrassing to know that a stranger is being kind to her. She won’t ever say that out loud to him though. 

Both of them lean on the wall behind. They stayed silent which Cassiopeia was starting to enjoy. Basking in the quiet of the dimly lit elevator was actually starting to calm her nerves a bit. But apparently, the man beside her is not that much of a fan of silence.

“I’m Altair, by the way,” he says, looking at her for a bit before turning his head to look before him again, “but you can just stick with calling me Al. Everyone I’ve met always had a hard time saying my full name or that they didn’t understand it.”

“Altair?” She repeats in a questioning tone. His name completely piqued her interest. “Like the star?”

Altair looks at her, his bewildered expression clearly shown on his face. “You know my name?”

“Yeah!” Cassiopeia answers, starting to grow excited. "It's one of the brightest stars in the galaxy! It also means 'bird' or my favorite, 'soar'.” She shifts a bit to her side to face him. “It’s actually of Arabic origin and it’s part of the Aquila constellation which is…” the words die in her throat as she grows conscious of how much she has shared to a mere stranger! “Sorry, sorry,” she instantly mutters, fixing herself to look before her again. 

“Oh! There’s nothing to be sorry about!” Altair clarifies. “I actually am amazed that you know my name and the origins of it. This never happened to me and I can’t believe that I’m experiencing this at such a weird place like an out-of-order elevator.”

“Well, one does go through new things every day.”

Altair breathes out a laugh, “I second that.” He then looks to his side to observe the features of the woman beside him. She sits with her legs crossed by her side and her hands rest on her lap while her bag sits idly by her side. “And you? What’s your name?”

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