(27.3) ESTJ X INFP

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Part 3! (LAST)

ESTJ (male) x INFP (female)

One week more.

Dara was starting to overthink everything already.

What happens if I miss a step? What do I need to do if the tank is faulty or doesn't work in the middle of the dive? Do I begin to panic if I can't rise to the surface?

...What happens if I suddenly forget everything I need to do?


Chico's voice disrupted her train of thought and she found herself thankful for that.

"Y-Yes," Dara managed to stammer out, blinking her eyes as she re-associates herself from her surroundings.

She's sitting across from Chico at a dining table located in the middle of the kitchen. Inside Chico's house. He insisted that for this night, they'll eat her reward dish at his place. His mom is sleeping in her room already so it's just the two of them in the kitchen.

The last time she was here was when she ate at their outdoor restaurant for a mukbang video that will eventually be posted in the following weeks after some editing from her producers. It was only in Chico's mom's restaurant that she tasted the best clams in the village. Of course, she didn't tell anyone that since it might cause a rift within the residents, but...she's happy that in front of her is a plate of the cooked clams she absolutely adores.

And not only that...

There is this feeling of excitement inside her that is willing to burst out of her chest at any second. It is this kind of happiness that she recently started to develop throughout the past days of spending time with Chico.

When she's not overthinking her scheduled dive segment, she is overwhelmed by the presence of this man whom she first detested but who has now been a good and kind person to her.

Sure, he may be strict and the way he teaches might be considered unconventional in some way, but she wouldn't deny that he is a good companion.

She's noticed that he started to be part of the crowd of people who would gather to watch her film a mukbang at a chosen restaurant for the day. And to be frank, every time they would spot each other amidst the crowd and a corner of his mouth would tug upward matched with an eyebrow that would rise, showing that he was impressed at her, Dara would feel less nervous and more confident in what she's good at. The camera might have caught the way her eyes would dart in a certain direction in some clips. No one would know why though. Only her.

She really likes Chico...and that makes her scared of all this happiness she's feeling being around him and being his center of attention almost every single day.

Because she's leaving the village in a week. Her two months are almost over and she'll have to go back to her life in the big city.

Maybe she can make a life here. Maybe she can stop working as a mukbanger and try to find another source of income. It doesn't even have to do anything with eating. She'll take almost anything.

But there is a rational part of her that asks her a bunch of questions she finds hard to answer. What about your contract with the producers? What about your family back in the city? And...are you sure you would stay behind for him?

"You nervous again?" Chico's voice rang through the air again and Dara had to physically shake her head as if to drown out her thoughts again.

She found him peering at her with careful eyes. "Listen, if you want to rest already instead of having another meal, we can do that-"

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