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Requested by bluuthetic_

ISTP (male) x ENTP (female)

“Welcome to the Museum of Natural History!” The museum’s head manager announced happily to the group of university students standing before her. “It is always a great pleasure to have you here for your annual visit.”

The History Student Organization of the university always holds an annual sleuthing event at the city’s Museum of Natural History. The student organization is not only for students who are taking History as their major but also for those who are genuinely interested in anything related to history.

The core team members of this event always plan some kind of treasure hunt inside the museum that would require its participants to go around the different exhibits to search for clues to find the hidden treasure inside the museum.

Those who are not familiar with the event would think that it was corny or even childish to some extent. But no, this is a huge event for the history organization. Each year, they seem to up the difficulty that it would even take the whole day to figure out all clues.

This is Grant’s third year in trying to be the first to figure out where the treasure is hidden. Though, this means that it is his third year of trying to be better than a certain schoolmate of his, Amari.

Amari may be in the business course but that girl has a strong knack for history and anything related to it. She always made it a point to boast about how she would always visit this museum and that she memorized its whole floor plan to him.

He always chooses not to care about what she says, but inside he does feel a tinge of competition swelling up in him. He can’t help it. He, too, wants to succeed and win the title.

And thus, this bloomed into this kind of rivalry that not only happens in this annual event but even during class. They were classmates one time in their social science class and, unfortunately, were forced to be together for a paper. Let’s just say that they may have written the best paper out of everyone in the class, but it doesn’t reflect how bad their time together was with all the arguing and deleting of certain paragraphs. Amari loved to play with ideas and Grant loved to stick with empirical data. For others, that is a good match to learn how to look at the world from different viewpoints, but for them, it only brought them unnecessary stress.

Grant notices Amari standing by the front of the group (as usual). Her arms are crossed before her as she shows fake interest in what the museum’s head manager is saying. Suddenly, she looks in his direction, catching him gazing at her. Her face contorts in disgust then she slightly sticks her tongue out at him. Grant retaliates by not giving her any reaction. He’s not going to give her any satisfaction that he’s bothered in any way. He simply looks away and diverts his attention elsewhere.

Hmph, that will show her. He thought triumphantly.

“Hey,” a soft voice calls out to him and a hand rests on his shoulder. Grant instinctively looks to his side to see one of his blockmates and fellow org-mate, Ean, standing beside him. “What did I miss?”

“What do you mean ‘what did I miss?’ You’ve been with us the entire time,” Grant replies in a soft voice as well.

“I was busy taking pictures around the entrance and…I’ve been trying to get Ina’s attention but she’s there all the way at the front.”

Grant chuckles under his breath. Ean has always told him how he’s been trying to become closer to his English classmate, Ina. When Ean found out that Ina applied to join the History Organization, he did not think twice and joined it. “It’s so hard, you know?” Ean told him one day, “It’s hard to talk to her because she’s so shy around me. Whenever I try to show that I’m interested in her too, she turns down whatever I invite her to do with me.”

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