Just a casual upside-down conversation

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Okay so the prompt from @OtherWriter101 for this one was literally just for Clint and Peter interacting so I took the liberty of adding some plot. Enjoy :D (PS everyone else who has requested, I swear I'm working on it the inspiration just seems to come and go and I only want to write the best for you (: )

"Peter, there appears to be activity at the railway station five blocks South," Karen informed Peter. 

"Thanks K, on my way. Hey, that rhymed!" Peter chuckled to himself as he swung in that direction, knowing the train station his AI meant. What? You try patrolling the same area every day and see if you don't know it inside out.

Peter frowned as he got closer, seeing a flash of red and gold through one of the window. With a quiet thwip, he did a flip through a skylight and landed behind the Avengers.

Now, obviously Peter had met Mr Stark before, as the billionaire had given him his suit, and he'd even met some of the others when he was enlisted into their little Civil war in Germany. But it had been several months since then, the Avengers had made up and in all the chaos he was pretty sure Mr Stark had forgotten about little old him. So seeing them here, in his territory, was a little unnerving. Oh, and also his Spidey sense was going crazy but he couldn't see any immediate danger, and the Avengers were also just standing there, looking confused.

"What are you guys doing here?" Spider-Man asked eventually. The Avengers turned towards him, startled.

"Got a huge distress signal, but there doesn't seem to be anything here," Tony spoke first, clearly knowing him the best.

"That's weird, Karen didn't pick up anything other than a disturbance. What kind of distress signal was it?"

"Who's Karen?" Hawkeye asked as Stark lifted his faceplate to reply with,

"Didn't check, rushed straight down here, whatever it was, it looked big, but I'm thinking it may have been a fluke."

Peter shook his head quickly. "No, there's definitely something going on here, I'm sensing tons of danger, but..." he gestured around at the seemingly peaceful station.

"You can sense danger?" Hawkeye asked again in disbelief.

"Yeah, why, can't you?" Peter joked, but spun around hastily when his sixth sense spiked. "Oh, shoot," was all he managed before a feathered dart lodged itself in his arm and the world went black.


Peter slowly came to in a small, dark, smelly room. He blinked a couple of times, and tried to move, but found he couldn't. He seemed to be paralysed or something. The only things working seemed to be his eyes. I mean, obviously his brain and heart and lungs were still going too but we're going to ignore those because I mean they're not that important, right? 

The point was, Peter's eyes were working and he used them to see that he was sharing the small, dark, smelly room with somebody else - Hawkeye.

'What have they done to him?'  Peter thought in horror. Hawkeye was still unconscious, a dart in his neck, but that wasn't the concerning thing. He was floating, tied down to the floor with a rope around his ankles like a balloon. Peter blinked - did I mention his eyelids were working too? - then realised the same must have happened to him. I mean, he couldn't feel a rope around his feet, but he also couldn't feel his feet, and he couldn't very well move his head down to look at them, could he now?

Peter looked back at Hawkeye with his working eyes and I'm beginning to have doubts that his brain was actually working, because it took him a solid five minutes to realise that Hawkeye's hair was floating too, and he was getting increasingly red in the face, then another minute to realise that it probably meant that they were just hanging upside-down. What? He had spider-genes, hanging upside-down felt just as natural as being the 'right' way up (who even decided it was the right way up anyway, that's just upside-down-ist), so he often had trouble distinguishing between the two.

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