Sticky fingers (2)

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She gathered her supplies and made the trek into the building. Nobody moved to stop her as she strolled past security and let herself into the stairwell. Three flights up, a left turn, second door on the right. She pulled the mop out of the bucket and made her way around the lab, then once more, dusting the surfaces. An hour later, she walked right out of the front door unopposed, bag full of priceless tech. 

She was almost offended it had been so easy.


"I heard there was an attack," Natasha said quietly as she joined Tony where he was nursing a mug of coffee. "Was anybody hurt?"

"No, thank goodness. But over three million dollars worth of tech and numerous patents have been taken."

"Is there any footage?" 

"None. The camera circuits were tripped for an hour, and in that time all the tech disappeared. Security said they didn't see anyone suspicious come in the front, and none of the employees with access to that floor were meant to be in at that time."

"Do you think it was Stickyfingers?" Bruce was sat across the table, listening intently.

"It had to be. I just wish I knew how they did it, especially even after I got that tip-off and installed all the extra security measures."

"Unless they already knew about the security and were able to avoid it."

Tony scowled, immediately realising what Natasha was implying. "It wasn't him."

"Do you know where he was last night?"

"At home, I'd imagine, although I can't say I keep a tracker on him at all times." He did, actually, but Nat didn't need to know that. Peter had been very clear about not wanting SHIELD to know his identity, and Tony agreed, which meant telling as few people as possible about Spider-Man.

"So you have no proof."

"Nat, I know he's not Stickyfingers."


"He's my intern!"

"And? He obviously has enhancements, including the same rare mutation that the thief has. It's the obvious conclusion."

"Who are you talking about?" Bruce looked between them with confusion.

"Peter. You don't know him," Tony dismissed. 



Peter's head jolted up. He must have dozed off in the middle of class - it had been a late night spent searching in vain for the real Stickyfingers so he could prove his innocence to the Black Widow who still obviously thought he was the thief. 

"Glad to see you've joined us again, Mr Parker. Now, as I was saying..." Usually there would be a round of snickers but now everyone just stared at him. Ever since the trip to Stark Industries earlier in the week, whispers had followed him in the halls. After all, his entire class had seen him stick to a specially designed trap for an infamous thief and be escorted forcefully away with a bag over his head, only to rejoin the class twenty minutes into the lecture.

He'd given a basic explanation to the first person who asked what had happened - some kind of malfunction had caused the chemical trap to work on him, and they'd let him go after realising their mistake. Still, it would take a while for all the speculation to die down; he'd overheard rumours ranging from him actually being Stickyfingers to being some kind of mutant or alien in disguise.

"Ugh," he complained as he got his bag out of his locker at the end of the day.

"That bad, huh?" MJ raised her brows from behind her own locker door.

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