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Hju was late.

Spidey sighed and drummed his fingers on his glass of water. Ever since the villain had come over all those months ago and they'd opened up to each other about the hardships of a solitary life, they'd been meeting up regularly. He wouldn't say they were friends, exactly, but they understood one another better than anyone else ever could. Talking was healthy for both of them. They also occasionally fought - mostly for something to do rather than because of any animosity. Sometimes Hju even helped Spidey fight other villains, or Spidey would defend him from people looking to take justice into their own hands.

Tonight was their weekly game night. They alternated hosting, played a board game, watched a film, shared some takeout. And then they'd talk: Hju would recount favourite memories with his family; Spidey would share his difficulties of having no civilian identity. Just last week, Hju had finally worked up the courage to ask what had happened. To both of their surprise, Spidey had actually answered. He'd told Hju about the incident with the electric villain, about his hypothesis about stickiness and how it was probably incorrect given rips healed as fast as his own skin and he no longer needed to wash or use the bathroom so there must have been more to his transformation and he wasn't sure how human he was anymore. How he had to cut a hole in the mask every time he wanted to eat or drink; how he was kept awake each night with longing for the life he should have had.

That was when Spidey had clammed up, not wanting to remember anything more about his old life. Hju had understood when he walked out of the villain's latest tiny apartment with barely a goodbye. But he was ready now.

As soon as Hju's knock sounded on the door, Spidey swung it open and blurted, "Peter Parker," before he could change his mind.

Hju blinked at him, arms full of boxes that smelled of Chinese takeout. It took a moment, then realisation dawned in the villain's eyes. He came inside and closed the door while Spidey stood silently, trying to process how his name tasted in his mouth after all these years.

They went through the familiar motions, unpacking the food and getting drinks and sitting down before either spoke.

"That was your name?" Hju asked finally. Spidey could only nod. "What happened to him?"

"He died. I staged an accident, faked my own death. Everyone has forgotten who I was by now."

"Why didn't you tell anyone? You could have kept in contact?"

"My best friend knew, we tried to keep in touch but... it didn't work. I could have told my other friends, but what's the point? That wouldn't work out long term either, and it would just cause them more pain. Better they forget me."

Silence. Hju sipped his drink. "I had a very close friend, like a sister. When my identity was revealed, she phoned me. I didn't answer: I was scared of what she'd say. I didn't know if she'd support me or be disgusted, and I didn't want to know. I never will - she died after being attacked just for knowing me the very next day."

"Do you regret it? Any of it?"

"I wish I knew what she thought of me, before she died. But if you're asking if I wouldn't have become this in the first place? I don't know. The first guy had it coming, on so many levels. I could have chosen to leave him be that day, but I don't know how much longer I could have gone on seeing his face, knowing he was still breathing and tainting the world with his presence before I snapped. After that, it was all some misguided revenge for the revenge his family took on me, an endless cycle of suffering. And now, it's just self-defence. Every day I wonder... if I had a stronger will, enough to go on with my life and let him live... would that have stopped me being here? Or would destiny have worked her will regardless?"

They both spent a minute silently eating before Hju asked, "do you regret it?"

"Becoming a superhero? The path that led me to now?" Spidey sighed and set down his food. "I wish I could say I did, but I know my conscience wouldn't have let me take any other path. My uncle was a police officer, and he died. Even before I got powers I wanted to be a hero like him. My aunt wanted me to be safe, so I didn't end up like him. I wish I could have listened to her, she always said I was too self-sacrificing. Obviously I regret getting stuck like this, and I want to say I regret going out on patrol that night specifically, but... I remember there was a young man I saved from a mugging earlier that night who definitely would have died if I wasn't there. I have no idea who he is now, what he's doing with his life, if he's even still alive. But given the option to go back and change everything? Much as I want to say I'd do it different, I know I'd make the exact same choices all over again. My aunt was right about me."

"So destiny or not, we'd both end up here even if we had a chance to undo it," Hju said with sad irony.

Spidey spread his hands helplessly. "Maybe us being here is destiny."

They finished eating and played a card game and talked about nothing else of consequence until the time Hju would normally leave. Instead, the man brought out his phone and silently handed it to Spidey. On the screen was a listing for a small but comfortable-looking apartment with two bedrooms.

It was expensive, and Spidey didn't have much money saved at any given time. But... there was a company who'd been in contact several times about buying his current apartment for an obnoxious sum so they could turn it into a tourist attraction, and if he accepted, that would be more than enough to get this new place and keep him - them - going for several years.

Sure, it was risky and unnecessary, but for this chance at a place to call home for the first time since he left his childhood house? It would be worth every penny.

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