Loki's week with the Avengers

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(A/N: Nobody requested this, I just... *shrugs* Enjoy!)

After Loki had repented for his trying to take over the world phase, Tony grudgingly agreed to let him visit the Avengers for a week, Thor insisting that if the god of mischief got to know Midgardian culture as he had, he would be less inclined to destroy the planet. Basically, Tony was either drunk, sleep deprived, high on coffee or all three when he agreed, but it was too late.


The first day started by somebody mentioning a song and Loki asking what they meant, which ended in an all-day activity of all the Avengers playing their favourite songs in an attempt to educate Loki. After five long hours of this, Loki shook his head in disgust as another ACDC song starting blasting over the speakers.

"I am trying to appreciate your efforts, but your music clearly isn't for me. I don't understand this.... love, that everybody is yelling about."

"C'mon reindeer games, it's Back in Black! What's not to like?" Tony protested, pausing the music as Loki stood up to finally leave.

"Brother, mayhaps we can find a different style easier for you to... relate to?" Thor persisted. 

Loki scoffed. "As if midgardians could write music fit for me."

At that very moment, Peter walked in having finished school, bopping to music on his headphones.

"Man of Spiders!" Thor yelled. "Let us hear your music!"

Startled, Peter looked up at them, then shrugged and unplugged his earphones. He was already halfway through, and Bohemian Rhapsody started blasting through FRIDAY's speakers.

I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?


Loki's eyes had widened and he was frozen by the door, listening in rapture as the song continued through the chorus then eventually slowed down to an end.

-a devil put aside for me, for me, for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

Ooooh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me

Any way the wind blows...

There were tears in Loki's eyes as it finished. 

"What was that witchery?" He breathed, moving towards Peter. "It was like it could see into my soul. Play another!"


It was the second day. The mysterious boy with the music had vanished and Loki was sorely missing his presence as he, Thor, Tony and Steve sat in silence, waiting for the others to finish getting ready.

"This is boring," Tony muttered.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Steve said.

"Go for it," Tony said.

Steve took a breath to start speaking, and immediately a series of muffled crashes were heard from the other side of the tower, quickly getting louder, concluding with the appearance of a shadowy, glowering figure in the doorway.

"No." Said Bucky.


They were all still trying to think of something to do when the boy with the music came home.

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