A New Dawn (bonus)

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THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR NO WAY HOME (should be obvious after part one but just making sure) By popular demand, here are some snippets of friendship from my fix-it universe that accidentally grew a plot. Enjoy!

Peter almost immediately regretted his decision to re-friend Ned and MJ, but part of him was still deeply glad of his moment of selfishness. By the time he had organised a flat for himself and gotten all the supplies he needed for his GED, Ned had worked up the courage to text the number Peter had given him.

NL: Hi

SM: Hey Ned

NL: ....honestly wasn't sure you'd reply

SM: wasn't kidding about needing friends

SM: that ok?

NL: Absolutely. Is it ok if I put you on a chat with MJ?

NL: That's my friend in case you couldn't remember her name

SM: sure

**SM has been added to a new group**

MJ: Sup losers


SM: Hi :)

For the first few weeks it was awkward, but Ned and even MJ seemed determined to make this work. Whether it was out of pity or a genuine like of him as a superhero he didn't know (and probably didn't want to).

SM: finished up patrol and I'm going to be hanging out around Central Park for a bit

SM: in case either of you were interested

NL: Omw

MJ: I'll come if ur buying the snacks

SM: deal


NL: pls tell me you've been practising the handshake in the mirror too

SM: yup

MJ: dorks

MJ: can't believe you actually made a secret handshake in the middle of CP

SM: thanks for joining me, I had a really good time ^-^

MJ: thanks for buying the snacks ig

NL: anytime, that was so cool

NL: cannot believe I spent the afternoon hanging out with a superhero

MJ: I cannot believe spider-man is such a huge nerd


NL: soooo...

SM: so???

NL: we just had one of those school things about e safety

NL: like, don't text ppl you don't know

SM: ah

MJ: for all we know we're texting a 70 yr old creep

SM: ur not

NL: yes but you can't PROVE that xD

SM: I'm 17

NL: .............

MJ: I think you just broke ned



MJ: that means you were 14 when you started?

MJ: pretty young for a hero

NL: MJ how are you calm?????

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