Fixing NWH

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Oops, my hand slipped. Have a collection of unrelated nwh fix-its (contains spoilers, obviously)

Wong stared between Strange and Peter. He really, really wanted to just leave Stephen to deal with his own problems, but Wong was the Sorcerer Supreme now and it was very likely that Stephen's problems would quickly become even bigger ones for Wong to deal with. So he sighed heavily, and set down his bags. 

"I'll do it."

"Wh-what?" Spider-Man - he was just a boy, so young to have seen so much - stuttered. 

"Stephen will almost certainly mess something up, so I'll cast the spell. Follow me to the crypt."

"What are you waiting for?" Asked an obviously peeved Dr Strange as he followed and Wong didn't go immediately to the casting table. 

"It's called planning ahead. You should try it someday," Wong grumbled as he pulled out a notebook and began explaining the effects of the spell to Peter. As Wong had predicted, the boy was horrified by the prospect of everyone forgetting his identity, so he took an extra half-hour to draft out a slightly altered spell that would incorporate all the people Spider-Man wanted to remember.

Finally, he went to the casting table and drew the complicated runes. The circle joined and a pulse of energy emanated from the spell. 

"It's done," Wong told Peter gruffly. The boy's face split with relief, and he thanked Wong profusely. And honestly? That alone (plus potentially having saved the multiverse from collapse) was enough to make up for the inevitable hardship of having to explain his lateness to the sorcerers at Kamar Taj.

The boy left, and as Wong opened another portal he glared at a sullen Dr Strange. "Next time, think before you do. Rules exist for a reason, Strange. That could have ended very badly."

~I have yet to rewatch FFH after seeing NWH but when I do my rage towards Mysterio will have tripled~

The moment Ned and MJ realised the portal from the lab to the Statue of Liberty wasn't closing, MJ took charge. "We need to get out of here before someone notices us," she realised. Ned nodded in determination.

"We should find somewhere to hide the box. Come on, let's go. Run!"

They ran until they were sure nobody who stumbled through the portal would be able to find them, and kept an eye on the precious spell whilst also watching the shaky news footage from helicopters circling the fight. They winced as a whole section of the scaffolding collapsed, right next to where their portal had finally closed by itself.

Finally, when it became clear that all the villains had been cured, they ran back to Peter, who hugged them both in relief. They said their goodbyes to the other Spider-Mans and a couple of the reformed villains, then MJ hit the button and they all faded into white light. 

They stood in shared silence for a moment, grieving May. Then Peter swallowed nervously. 

"Ned, can you, um- we should probably get Dr Strange back now."

~I don't think I'll ever be able to go visit the Statue of Liberty without NWH flashbacks. There go my tourism dreams~

"I can cure you," Peter told the imprisoned villains with certainty. They exchanged uneasy looks.

MJ pulled Peter aside. "What are you doing?"

"I know I can do it. I'll bring them to the apartment, and use-"

"Peter. Remember when we talked about sharing your plans?"

"Yeah dude, take a minute to think." 

Peter did his best not to feel like he was being ganged up on by his own friends. "This is the only way, I can't just let them die-"

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