We'll meet again

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NWH spoilers. Enjoy! (This was meant to be for the start of summer but hahaha um)

The buzzing of his phone woke him up - not an alarm, but his friend Harry reminding him of the coffee meet-up. Peter sent a quick reply promising that he hadn't forgotten, then rolled out of bed to make sure he didn't go back to sleep. The floor was a lot less comfy than his bed.

Peter had never been more thankful for his smarts than when he'd gotten accepted into NYU with a full-ride scholarship, accommodation included. The student rooms were small but Peter was grateful anyway. University had been the fresh start he desperately needed, and it felt like he'd just continued his life instead of having to build a new one up from the ground as he'd feared. Lots of people left school and changed almost completely when they went to uni and met a whole new set of friends, and a new style of living.

His phone buzzed again, this time with a call. Peter peeled himself off the floor and started making coffee as he answered. "I swear I am out of bed."

"I believe you. I don't believe you have been for more than thirty seconds though," Harry teased over the speakers. They'd only been friends for a couple of months but Harry knew Peter's habits well. He didn't know why Peter stayed up so late to require such long lie-ins, though. That was a part of his life best kept a secret.

Peter had met Gwen first. They shared some classes and just got along really well. Eventually she'd invited him to hang out after lectures, and introduced him to Harry, who'd been her best friend through high school. Harry was at NYU too but doing completely different classes. Despite this the three got along like a house on fire and met up regularly. Peter had developed a bit of a reputation for forgetting/being late to things, hence Harry calling to check he was actually on his way.

"Okay, but I'm up now," Peter said, pulling on a shirt and quickly fixing his hair. "You're not already there, are you?"

"No, but I'm only about five minutes away."

Peter glanced at the clock. "Well, I won't be as late as usual, at least?"

"See you in a bit, Pete."

"See you."

He grabbed his coffee and poured it into a flask then jammed his feet into shoes and jogged out of the door. It was a ten minute walk to the cafe Gwen preferred, and Peter managed it in seven. He finished up his drink just as he arrived. Gwen and Harry were already there, and Gwen gaped at him, offended. "Did you drink a coffee on the way to our coffee morning?"


"Heathen," she told him seriously. "How've you been?"

"Alright. Sorry I missed that party last week, I just-"

"Am Peter Parker? We get it, don't worry."

"We made some great new friends, though."

"Yeah? You'll have to introduce me sometime."

"Easier said than done, they're at MIT so they only come back to New York during the breaks."

"Well, I'll meet them then, I guess."

"Sounds good! I know you'd get along great with them. You'll never believe what Harry did, though-"

"You promised never to speak of that again!"

"Oh, right, I did." Gwen caught Peter's eye and smirked. "I'll just send you the photos without any context then."

"No, hang on-"

They laughed at Harry's horrified expression and drank their coffee together like friends do.

A few days later, Peter was added to a discord chat with Harry and Gwen's new friends. Their chat names were murderous-jewel and anakinpanakin. He and anakinpanakin hit it off instantly (Peter's username was a star wars reference too) until the others begged them to chat on private and stop spamming them with nerd talk. murderous-jewel seemed cool too, if a little cynical. The pair of them shared about life at MIT and in return Peter, Gwen and Harry regaled them with tales of all the crazy things they were missing in New York.

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