Group chat (2)

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(Before you start reading, I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that commented on the last one of these saying how much you loved it and requesting a part two, there are too many of you to name but you know who you are and I am so grateful for your support, please keep it up :) There's a Part 3 on its way, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

It had been just over a year since Shocker added Spider-Man to a group chat with some of his criminal buddies, and Peter was having a slight existential crisis as he considered the fact that he would consider most of them his friends, even though they were all older than him, knew nothing about him, and were criminals. About a month ago, Lizard had left the chat (he had never been very active anyway) and not long after that, the last of the members had been freed from prison. Well, excluding Sandman, who had a life sentence. To be fair, so did Electro, but he'd found a way to escape. It was Vulture who'd been released. That's probably what I should have started with. So Shocker, Vulture and Electro were back at large. 

In the past few months since his release, Shocker and Spidey had tangled a couple of times when Shocker attempted larger robberies than his usual grab-and-runs from corner stores. However, the vigilante had failed to bring in the criminal so far. He tried his best to treat him like any of the others and not hold back in their fights, but as a decent human being he had an issue with punching a friend with his super strength, even though that friend was in the process of breaking the law and electrocuting people. Cue the existential crisis.

Luckily, Vulture had been pretty under the radar. Spidey had a hunch he was easing out of the criminal business and trying to return to an honest living whilst still upholding his criminal reputation. Electro had also been absent on the streets, but that was less of a good thing, as it usually meant he was biding his time before a big attack.

The criminals had mostly figured out Peter's timetable, although they assumed he was working when his phone was off, and knew to mostly text in the evenings, night, or early morning.

**Vulture's Armpit Buddies**

Electro: Hey Spidey I saw you fighting Batroc yesterday, are you cheating on us?!

Shocker: Spidey! How could you!!!

Spidey: Honey, this isn't what it looks like!

Spidey: Also you saw that?

Electro: I see everything. >:)

Spidey: Well I'd hardly call it a fight. I was bored and Batroc was there

Spidey: I didn't even get any good hits in before he was unconscious

Spidey: He knocked hImSeLf out trying to jump away -.-

Spidey: At least you guys have brains

Sandman: hahahaha XD

Sandman: I mean technically I don't have a brain

Shocker: or ribs, we know

Sandman: I miss seeing you guys, and fighting Spidey ;-;

Sandman: How come you haven't broken me out yet???

Shocker: No offence, buddy, but last time you were free you tried to destroy the city, and I live here

Electro: ^ sorry bro

Spidey: I don't think I need to explain why I can't do that

Sandman: Prison is boringggg

Spidey: So is patrollll

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