Surprise Trip

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Peter handed in his form and rushed back to Ned, chattering excitedly about the field trip they were about to go on. It was his birthday and whilst he was sad he couldn't be spending it with his new extended superfamily, he was delighted at the chance to go on a school trip to an unknown location with his friends. So far his track record with trips had been terrible, and he was determined to make this a good day.

Parker Luck had other plans.

"Peter, a word," the teacher said as he looked through the forms. 

"Back in a sec," Peter grinned at Ned and followed the man into the corridor.

"Peter," he sighed. "You really haven't had the best experience with school outings in the past."

"I know," Peter admitted. "But today's going to be better, I can feel it!"

"Actually, your attendance record has been so bad that the safety board banned you from attending this trip."

"Wh- what?"

"I convinced them to change their minds. I thought I knew you, Peter. You're a good kid, you work hard. And there have been times when you've been a little rude or told some lies, but I still stood up for you."

Peter took a deep breath. It was okay. He could still go. "Thank you, sir. That really means a lot-"

"Unfortunately," he interrupted before Peter could finish, "you have crossed a line."

Peter blinked. "What?"

The teacher brandished the form. "I'm not a stupid man, Peter. Virginia Potts is not your guardian."

"It's in proxy for-"

"And don't get me started on your Stark internship. Impressive, truly, but I did some research and SI doesn't employ underage interns."

"The forms are in the office, sir, I can prove it's real."

"Likely all fakes like this signature," he ripped up the form. "I'll help you out this time, but do this again and you could get into serious legal trouble. You'll be staying at school today, at the back of Ms White's class. I'll email her some workbooks for you to complete."

Peter bit his lip and did his best not to let tears form. It was a ridiculous thing to get upset about, but he'd really been looking forward to spending his birthday with his friends. Now he would spend it alone, in school. 

Ned watched his friend return to the room, eyes slightly red, and glared at the teacher. Peter refused to meet his eye, and when Ned asked if they could sit together on the bus, Peter shook his head. "I'm not coming."

"What do you mean?"

"He thinks my internship is fake so I've been banned."

"But- doesn't the office have the forms?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Dude, this really sucks. We'll do something after school to make up for it okay?"

Before Peter could reply, the teacher called Ned over and he joined the group with a last apologetic glance at his friend.

"Okay everybody, once you're all on the bus, we've done another register and we're on our way, I'll tell you where we're heading!"

There was a cheer for the students, and everyone piled onto the bus. Ned sat alone, all his excitement gone at the thought of how Peter, who put his life at risk daily just to keep others happy, would be spending his birthday alone. 

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