Homeschooled (1)

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Her eyes locked onto his brown ones, and both pairs widened in recognition. The boy's mouth hung slightly open, and she tried to capture his expression for her People In Distress sketchbook.



"Yes Michelle, you heard me. It's not a choice, I've already made the decision."

All her life, MJ had been home-schooled, and it had worked just fine. So she had no idea why her mum had now decided to send her to the local high school in the middle of the term.

"It'll be fine. I've gotten in touch with the head, and he said he could enroll you into the year group after the half term break. You'll have to choose your subjects, and he said that there are only top set spaces for Math, but I don't think that'll be a problem."

You see, MJ had a secret. Despite how she seemed to other people, she was actually a really bright kid. Math was easy for her, science and tech were a whizz. She was a child genius.

But that wasn't MJ's only secret. About a year ago, she had been walking home from getting the groceries when the unthinkable happened...

MJ was walking along the street, swinging the shopping bag in her hand. She turned down the alley that was a shortcut to her apartment when she felt something cold touch the back of her head. Immediately she froze, all of the self-defence classes she'd taken over the years flying out of the window. There was a click as her attacker armed the gun.

"Hand over your purse and your phone, and nobody needs to get hurt."

There wasn't even that much left in the purse, MJ reasoned. It was better to lose a couple of quid than to have her brains blown out. Slowly, she reached her hands towards her hoodie pocket and brought out her purse.

"And your phone?"

"I-it's in the bag." MJ hated how much her voice trembled.

"Get it out, then."

MJ did as they said, slowly moving into a crouch and rummaging in the shopping bag. Just as her hands grasped something cold and smooth, a voice sounded from above.

"Didn't your mother teach you any manners?" New York's favourite vigilante jumped down from the gutter and landed on the path in front of MJ. Spiderman winked at MJ and looked at her assailant, who swore and pressed the gun harder into MJ's scalp. "It's not nice to threaten girls."

"Make a move and the girl-"

"What about boys?" MJ cursed her big mouth, but she couldn't help herself.

"What?!" Spiderman gawked at her, and she could hear the surprise in her attacker's voice.

"I mean, it's not nice to threaten boys either," MJ said, slowly standing up from her crouch. Shut up, shut up, shut up!

"Of course. I'm sorry. I was wrong- it's not nice to threaten anyone." The vigilante addressed the last part to the person behind MJ. "Now, how about we settle this like proper gentleme- civil people. You give this lady her purse back and leave, and nobody needs to get hurt."

MJ saw what the hero was trying to do. Provoking the mugger was more likely to win the situation, but it probably wouldn't work. Currently, they had the upper hand. Spiderman wouldn't attack as long as MJ was in danger, and in a fight, Spiderman would almost certainly win, so they would have to be incredibly stupid to- The pressure on the back of her head released as the assailant raised the gun and fired at Spiderman. He dodged the bullet, which should have been physically impossible, and proceeded to flip into the air, landing on one of the walls and shooting a web at the gun mid-jump. The mugger, defenceless, grabbed MJ's purse and ran, but before they made it more than a few steps, Spiderman webbed their ankles and tugged, bringing them sprawling back towards him. The mugger climbed awkwardly to their feet, and lunged at Spiderman. He blocked, but they weren't trying to attack him. They grabbed onto his mask and pulled, just as he shot a web at their face. The attacker went down, but the damage was done. MJ slowly rose from where she had ducked to avoid getting hit, and stared at the man behind the mask. He was a lot younger than she'd imagined - more of a Spiderboy than a Spiderman. He smiled awkwardly at MJ.

"Um. I'm going to have to ask you to please not tell anyone about this, for obvious reasons."

MJ was pretty sure she was going into shock, but she responded automatically.

"Sure, loser. I don't even know who you are."

"Oh. Um, thanks?" It sounded like more of a question than anything else. Then he put his slightly torn mask back on and swung off before MJ even had a chance to thank him for saving her.

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