Oh man

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(AN I have nothing against Sam, I just needed someone to be insensitive and the Falcon was the one I randomly chose)

Spider-Man sighed as he felt his sixth sense buzz. The Avengers has been coming after him for so long that he could tell it was one of them simply by the way his extra sense prickled. He got into a fighting stance as he turned around.

Peter was surprised to see that it was just Captain America today. And something else was different - the man's shield was still on his back, and his arms were in the air.

"Hey Spidey," Super soldier Steve said, stepping slowly closer (hey that was alliteration!), "relax. I just want to talk."

"I've heard that before," Peter replied, but his Spidey senses were telling him that he meant it this time, so the vigilante relaxed slightly. "What do you want?"

"You know what we want. Please, hear me out. We want you to-"

"Reveal my identity and join the Avengers and ascend to everlasting glory? Yeah, I've heard it before. The answer is the same- I can't risk endangering my loved ones, so as much as I'd love to be an Avenger, it has to be a no."

"I know, and I understand, which is why we have a new deal. We've talked to Director Fury, and he's agreed that you can keep your identity secret, so long as you check in with us at least once a week for training at the tower. How does that sound, Spidey?"

Peter took a moment to register the offer, then another to get over the shock and gather his sarcasm. "I don't know much about Director Fury, but I do know that he doesn't like bargaining. You guys must really want me."

"Is that a yes?"

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

"I get it. Well, when you make a descision-"

Peter held up a spandex coated hand. "I've thought about it. And yes, I'd be honoured."


"Sure. I wouldn't want to upset Director Fury now, would I?"

Peter had decided immediately, and was desperately trying not to squeal, clap his hands and jump up and down. He probably should have gone away, consulted his friends, and slept on it, but he knew exactly what the outcome would be, regardless.

Steve smiled broadly. "Glad to hear it." He reached forward to clasp Peter's hands in his own. "Welcome to the team, Spider-Man. If you'd like, we can start training on Monday-" they finished shaking hands, but instead of letting go, Peter judo flipped the super soldier and shot a web at a nearby building.

"Good," He called over his shoulder as he swung away, "looks like you need it!"


Five months had passed since Spider-Man joined, and still none of the team had figured out his identity. Sam was just as annoyed as everyone else about this - the guy always seemed to know when he was bugged, or on camera, or being tracked. All that they knew was what most of the public knew anyway - his voice suggested that he was young, maybe even still in college, and from watching him eat they knew he had pale skin.

That was it.

Whoever he was, he was always very careful about what he revealed about his personal life. Even Natasha's prying questions were unsuccessful, despite being so well hidden that Sam didn't even notice them until Spidey either dodged them or politely changed the subject.

It was training again today, and Sam and the others were already warming up as they waited for Spidey.

The guy finally swung through the open window as they were about to begin.

"You know, feel free to use the stairs," Tony commented dryly.

Now, on any other day, Spidey would salute and say something along the lines of, "When pigs fly, sir, of course!"

Then Tony would say,
"FRIDAY, remind me to work on those pig jet packs."

"Of course, sir."

Steve would huff. "If you children are done, we could get started?"

Then Spidey would make another quip and they'd begin.

But today Spidey just said, "Sorry Mr Stark," then moved into place and began the exercises.

Sam was sure he wasn't the only one who noticed Spidey sniffing, or the way his shoulders hung, or how his mask was too damp to be purely from perspiration as the rest of them started training.

However, Sam was to busy trying not to be overtaken by Steve again as he ran to really worry about any of these things.

When they stopped for a short break, Spidey sat alone in the corner, mask pulled up enough to sip from a water bottle. Unusually reserved behaviour for the vigilante.

Eventually, Steve approached the guy. Spider-Man didn't even seem to notice the super soldier's presence until he laid a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch.

Steve frowned. "What's wrong, kid?"

Sam expected the guy to brush it off, but instead his lenses blinked a couple of times in quick succession, and some more water leaked through the mask before he replied quietly, "My aunt died yesterday."

There was a second of silence. Sam was half-tempted to say, "so?", but figured that could be seen as insensitive.

Spider-Man moped through the next hour of training. Sam got that losing a relative was hard, but for an adult, even a young one, to cry so much over an aunt seemed a little dramatic.

Finally, he'd had enough. "Look, man, I get that you've lost your aunt, but is it really necessary to drag down the morale of the whole group? It's not like your parents died or something, why are you being so miserable?"

"Cmon Sam, take it easy. Clearly the guy's going through a tough-"

"Yeah, but does he really need to cry this much over a dead aunt? How old is he, twelve?"

There was a tense silence, then Spider-Man's lenses narrowed.

"Fifteen, actually," he said, voice wavering slightly, and without any ceremony, he tugged his mask off. His face was startlingly young, but despite the tear tracks on his cheeks, his jaw was set and his eyes were steely. Natasha was the only one who didn't seem completely taken aback at the guy's youth, but that could be either because she already knew or just because she was so good at hiding her true expressions. "And my aunt was my last living relative. She's taken care of me since I was six."

Sam blinked. "Oh, man."

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