Grown-ups, honestly.

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"What's going on?" Spider-Man swung down in front of the Avengers, surprised to see them out in the city.

"Spidey," Captain America greeted him. "Be careful. No further than here, it's dangerous."

"What do you mean?" Peter scanned the area, not seeing anything. His senses weren't telling him he was in any danger.

"A poisonous gas has been released by a supervillain in this area," Colonel Rhodes explained. "We're trying to get everyone out, it's spreading fast."

"Can't we stop it? Surely there's some gas mask you can use?"

Steve shook his head sadly. "It goes through the pores. I thought the serum would make me resistant, but within seconds of contact I was almost unconscious. I was lucky to get out."

Peter looked again the abandoned streets in front, noticing a purplish tint to the air and bodies slumped on the corner. "Are they... dead?"

"We think it's a slow-acting poison, if we can somehow get them out today they'll be fine, but the more pressing issue is to shut off the source before the whole city's contaminated."

"Can't you just send in a robot?"

Hawkeye shook his head. "The supervillain's got bots protecting the source. They've taken down everything we're sending in."

"And there's no antidote to the poison? No loophole?"

"I'm working on manufacturing an antidote," Iron Man replied, "but so far the only exception seems to be children - the poison has a significantly weaker effect on the immune systems of anyone under 18."

Spider-Man glanced around the Avengers. They all looked stressed and terribly helpless. 

"I'm going in. Where's the source located?"

"It's in a warehouse 3 miles south, but Spidey, it's too risky. You'll be out in seconds and we can't save you. I know you have advanced healing but if Cap went down so easily we have no reason to think you'll be different. The people need you."

"Exactly," Peter said, checking a map of the city in his mask and locating the warehouse. "Bye!"

"Spider-Man, it'll kill you!"

But it was too late, Peter was already in the midst of the purplish smoke, and swinging quickly towards the location Karen had pulled up inside his mask.

Luckily, the smoke didn't seem to be taking any noticeable effect on his body. He had a mild headache that could have been due to anything, but no other symptoms. He passed maybe hundreds of bodies lying in the streets below, and winced as he saw frantic children trying to wake up their parents and crying. He would comfort them on his way back. First, he needed to save the adults.


"Spidey? Can you hear us? Come in Spider-Man!" Captain America kept trying to connect to their shared emergency comm, but it wasn't working.

"Any luck, Stark?"

"Working on it," Tony mumbled, typing frantically. "I'm getting something?"

"Is he close enough that we could send one of your suits to extract him before the attack bots notice him?"

"I don't... I've locked onto what I think is the signal from his suit, but... it's moving?"

"Have they already got him? Where are they taking him?"

"Looks like they're going towards the source," Clint commented from his vantage point over Stark's shoulder.

"I think I might be able to access his feed," Tony muttered, pulling up another window that glitched before becoming an interrupted video of the streets inside the quarantine area.

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