Soul stone (1)

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Peter was bored. It had been hours, maybe days, maybe weeks. Time didn't really matter when all you could see was an expanse of water and golden sky.

Thanos had gotten his way. Peter and half the universe had become dust, and he assumed he was now trapped in the soul stone. "You'd think he could have trapped me with the other billions of beings in here," he said. Yes, he'd started talking to himself. What?

Peter stared down at his reflection. In it, he was wearing his mask and spandex spider costume. But when he felt his face and looked at his arms, he was just Peter Parker, in a plain shirt and jeans, hair tousled. Yet another mystery of the soul stone.

Peter blinked. He hadn't moved, yet he could've sworn... Yes, there was another one. Ripples, thin and far apart, but ripples. Something was moving that wasn't him. 

Peter leapt to his feet and stared in the direction the ripples were coming from, squinting into the hazy amber horizon. It could have been just his imagination, but he thought he saw a dark speck on it.

Peter was too bored to care whether whatever it was was friendly or if it wanted to eat him - it was something to break the monotony. He started walking towards it, then broke into a run, yelling and waving his arms. The speck became a shape, and soon it was running towards Peter, also yelling and waving.

They were a few metres apart when Peter realised he recognised the person.

"Flash?" Seeing him here, in the part of his life that usually stayed so separate to his school life, felt surreal.

"Parker? Oh, thank god."

"Where did you come from?"

"Nowhere. Somewhere. Over there," Flash gestured vaguely behind him. "I've been walking since I got in here. I was beginning to doubt I was moving at all." Flash's reflection was subtly different to his actual appearance - slightly taller, tidier, stronger, and wearing the yellow decathlon blazer.

"I hadn't thought about walking," Peter admitted. Any animosity that usually existed between the two boys was overwhelmed buy their sheer relief at seeing another human being.

"So where are we? I wonder what happened, if we'll ever get out. Who else is in here?"

"Oh," Peter realised most people wouldn't have a clue what was going on. "Thanos - this mad Titan dude - he got all the infinity stones. Half the universe is in here - I think it's the soul stone, or at least a realm created by it."

"How do you know that? Where have you been these past few days? You disappeared again on the school trip, when that evil donut thing came."

"Not important. But I know I wasn't close to you when I disappeared, so the stone must be putting us near people we know."

"So you're saying we should start walking? See if we come across someone else we know?"

"Yeah," they did exactly that. "Maybe if we find enough people, we can find a way to break out of here."

"We don't need to, right? The Avengers will save us, they always do."

"Flash... Don't you think they tried? They tried, and failed, and that's why we're here."

Flash shook his head. "You're wrong. They won't stop until we're safe, I know it. Spider-Man looks after the little guy. He'll come for us."

Peter took a deep breath to remind the other boy that half the universe was trapped in here with them, but there was such hope on Flash's face... Peter couldn't bring himself to do it. Spider-Man was his hero, and Flash had faith in him. Now Peter just needed to find a way to be worthy of that.

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