Strongest Avenger

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Despite the hours he spent in their Tower on a weekly basis, Peter rarely saw any of the Avengers. He spent most of his time in Mr Stark's lab, working on upgrades for his suit or webs or just messing around. If he took a snack break and happened to run into anybody else, they quickly dismissed him as an intern or something. None of them seemed to care who he was or what he was doing in the penthouse, so he ignored them in return. 

There were a couple of exceptions to this rule. The Avenger Peter knew the best was obviously Iron Man - Tony Stark had become something of a mentor to the young hero. Sometimes Bruce Banner would come to the lab to ask Tony a question, and he'd acclimatised to Peter's presence to the point of occasionally asking him how his latest project was going or something. He'd definitely warmed up after Peter had confided in the scientist about how cool he found his work and asked him to sign some books for him and Ned. But Dr Banner never pushed any boundaries or questioned why, exactly, Peter was in a billionaire's private lab.

Peter didn't know why he'd been so stressed about the Avengers figuring out his secret identity. 

It was a Saturday morning and Peter was on his way to grab some coffee from the kitchen to take back to the lab for Mr Stark. It turns out he might have been wrong about the Avengers' casual attitude towards him, because as he approached the common area he heard them discussing him.

"-or intern, right?"

"I don't know, I've seen other interns up here before but never the same one so frequently."

"Isn't he a bit young to be working?"

"You know how Stark is, he probably noticed the kid was smart and hired him instantly, who cares if he's still in kindergarten."

A laugh. "He always seems so laid back, too. Never once have I seen him freak out about being in the same room as an Avenger."

Peter reached the door and walked into the room. Steve and Clint went suspiciously quiet but Natasha instantly changed the topic to some film that had come out recently as if they'd been talking about it the whole time. They played their usual game: he ignored them, they ignored him. Peter put the grounds into the filter and tapped his foot as he waited for the coffee to be ready.

"Hey kid," Clint said loudly. "What's your name?"

Peter turned towards the archer, surprised at the breach of their usual mutual silence. He was tempted to tell him that was cheating, but instead he gave a lopsided smile and opened his mouth to reply. But the Avengers never found out, because Peter's name was drowned out by a loud alarm. 

He froze, but the three heroes jumped up with creative curse words. "What's going on?" He asked them hastily.

"The Hulk's loose in the Tower - we all have to head to the safe room. Were you not told about these procedures?"

Peter shook his head. The 'internship' he had with Mr Stark was informal at best. 

"That's fine, just follow us and stay calm."

Peter did as he was told. Their path led them down two flights of stairs and past Bruce's lab.

"Stop," Captain America hissed, throwing out an arm as he squinted into some kind of mist that had formed in front of them. Some guttural noises came from within as a shadow moved.

Natasha stepped forwards with a quick glance at Peter. "Bruce, is that you?"

The shape that emerged from the mist was not  Bruce Banner. The Hulk roared at them, beating his chest.

"Go," Clint told Peter firmly, pointing past the monster to the end of the corridor. "The room's just down there - once the door's closed it's completely Hulk-proof."

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