Property damage

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Based on a comment chain from the book 'Stories focussed on Spider-Man' by FictionFanLady definitely go read it if you haven't already it's inspired quite a few of my chapters. Credit also to Inkseles Parkers-In-Crime and tam_loves_biana I hope all of you enjoy :)

After Peter had agreed to join the Avengers (but only on a part-time basis), he'd been on several high-stakes missions. Meanwhile, he'd continued his job looking after the people of Queens who couldn't look after themselves, attending school and keeping an eye out for when May burned the food. The only real difference was that occasionally he was called away for a mission and had to do some catch-up schoolwork, so overall things were going well.

Up until now, most of the missions had been planned ones, with data sent in by SHIELD and approved by Ross. They'd raid a criminal base, or bust a high-profile weapons deal. But yesterday, a guy who called himself Titanium Man had attacked New York with no warning. Spider-Man had done his best to distract the supervillain whilst the Avengers dealt with the Accords. It had taken almost an hour but soon they were by his side. They won, but the fight was a hard one and there was quite a lot of property damage. Unfortunately, several of the Avengers (Peter included) were injured too, so they retired to the compound to recuperate.

"Okay, I need to get back to school," Peter announced after two days, when his injuries were healed enough to not attract attention. "I'll swing by again soon."

The Avengers called various goodbyes, and Peter went home. The next day on the walk to school, he passed an area the fight had torn through. Rubble covered the streets, and all the businesses were either still closed or empty of customers. He frowned, noticing a couple of people trying to move debris out of the road, but had to hurry to class.

When school finally ended, Spider-Man made an appearance in that same area. The few people trying to clear the streets seemed surprised, but he made himself useful moving heavy rubble out of the way and they eventually confided that they were volunteering to do this: nobody was paying them, and they didn't actually have anywhere for the rubbish to go other than out of the road. There was talk of some of the local businesses cobbling together a fund for a skip, they said, but it might take a while.

Peter nodded silently, making a mental note to ask Stark to provide workers and skips for all the areas they'd damaged in that gruelling fight. "I'm sorry. For helping to cause this damage."

The workers looked at him, evidently shocked. "Don't be," one said. "It would be so much worse if you hadn't stopped that Iron-Man wannabe. Besides, you're not the one that should be apologising, at least you're making an effort," he cast a pointed glance towards Stark Tower, and Peter's frown deepened beneath his mask. Were the Avengers aware of how the public felt about them? These seemed like the sorts of feelings that needed to be soothed before another Vulture decided to make an appearance.

"The others are still recovering," he told them, but his heart wasn't fully behind the words. After all, this was his city too, and he knew Captain America was unscathed. Where was he whilst the people were suffering?

"Looks like you are too, but here you are," another said with a glance at Peter's slight limp. "I think we're done here for today. Thanks for your help, Spidey. The rest of you, let's meet on 34th Avenue tomorrow morning."

Peter watched them go their separate ways before heading home himself. He couldn't get to sleep, wondering if this was the opinion all of the city shared, so he turned to the one place that would have the answer: social media.

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