Loophole (6)

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The moment there was solid ground beneath his feet once more and the glare of the bifrost had cleared, Loki turned on Thor. 

"Do you truly have no sense of subtlety!" He fumed. "I now pity the spiders the palace maids used to clean from the corners, as I know the feeling of an intricately, painstakingly built and beautiful web being torn apart in mere moments! It was your idea for me to help the boy!"

"And you have done an admirable job of it, brother," Thor did his best to placate his raging sibling, but his voice was heavy. "He seemed healthy. But our need for you is much greater at this moment."

Loki's snarl didn't fade as he shifted from his art student appearance into his usual Asgardian garb. He instantly missed the comfy hoodie. "What do you need me for? If I am quick perhaps it is not too late to remedy the situation with Peter."

"If you simply paused to look around you it would become clear, Loki." Thor smiled. His features were exhausted but fond. "I have missed you these months."

Loki gave an exasperated huff and finally looked around at New Asgard. The streets were torn up and there was destruction everywhere. He could almost smell the fear. But most disturbingly, for the first time since they'd arrived there after the decimation of Asgard, the town was almost silent. There were no sounds of fighting, but also no laughter, no chatter, no children screaming with joy. Only the hushed murmurs and occasional angry shouts of the afraid.

Loki's shoulders fell. "What has happened here?"

"We were attacked, brother. They were... they were taken. We must get them back. Will you help me?"

All thoughts of Peter vanished, Loki's mind narrowing in on memories of the children who should be everywhere now, surrounding him, clamouring for stories he didn't have time to tell but would find himself narrating anyway. He gave a brisk nod. "Tell me everything that's happened."

Meanwhile, Peter spent almost every day thinking about Loki. Over a week had passed since his roommate - the god - 's disappearance, and he was no closer to being used to his absence. He had hardly noticed how big a role Loki (both Lokis) played in his life until they were gone. His home was empty, his patrols quiet, his lab time undisturbed. 

He'd thought he'd done such a good job of reintegrating himself to life, but apparently he'd only managed to make one friend. If he could even call Loki that. What was the trickster's angle? Where was the ulterior motive? Peter just couldn't understand what reason an Asgardian who'd somehow survived a narrow scrape with death would have for spending time with him.

He also, ridiculously, felt betrayed. The god of lies had lied to him. Big surprise there. The life he thought he'd built was actually an illusion. Had he really expected anything different?

But what hurt the most was that Loki was still gone. Peter knew it was naive of him but if Loki had walked back through the front door in whatever form suited him - even slithering - he would have forgiven the god in an instant. Loki had been a friend to him in a time he needed one, lies or not. But it had been ten days and there was no word. 

Peter's new favourite pastime was pacing. Behind the counter at FEAST, across the lab, over rooftops, around the walls of the empty apartment. Was Loki okay? Would he ever return? Was he hurt? Was he thinking about Peter? Had it all been a game? Was he afraid of Peter's reaction? Was Peter just a discarded plaything now, his shine of trust gone?

But no, Peter couldn't quite believe that. What was it Loki had said to him, mere minutes before leaving?

Nothing's changed, really. I'm still me, you're still you, and everything that has happened has still happened.

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