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AKA our friendly neighbourhood meme trying to deal with the uncultured Avengers and struggling (see if you can count how many quotes/references there are). This one's for @MARYAMX911 as a reward for one of my favourite comments. Enjoy!

Spider-Man had been on a couple of missions with the Avengers since they'd made up after Civil War but they still hadn't spent much time together outside of work. Every time they went on a mission, Peter was careful to stay respectful and respectable - the Avengers knew his identity and how young he was, and he wanted to prove that it didn't make him any less qualified.

He just didn't think it would be quite this hard.

Let's rewind, shall we?

Peter's phone rang and when he saw it was Tony calling he walked out of his classroom, ignoring the scolding from the teachers. He answered it as soon as he was alone. "Mr Stark, hi."

"Peter, we need you over here now. There's a situation."

Peter didn't need to be told any more. He ducked back into class to grab his bag - "I'm really sorry miss, there's a family emergency-" - and a few minutes later Spider-Man was swinging as fast as he could towards the Avengers Tower.

"Kid, good." Tony let him in through a window. Peter didn't know what he'd been expecting but at least there wasn't any immediate fighting. All of the Avengers were gathered in the living area.

"Hey Mr Stark. What's going on?"

"Fury's putting us all on a case, and he wants you too," Natasha replied. "Take a seat, Clint's just about to explain."

"Right," Clint said. "Recently there have been a couple of cases of mysterious deaths in the area, you might have seen them on the news. We've confirmed that the same poison was used in all three cases, and all three victims had connections to the same young man. We think he's developed a special kind of soluble toxin which causes instant death if it comes into contact with the skin."

"What were the cases, and how are they connected?" Bucky interrupted.

"Well, the first one was his sister. We think this might have been accidental, some kind of lab accident or leak. Maybe she went snooping and opened the wrong container. But she was found with traces of the toxin in her lungs. The next was a double murder, much harder to connect to the case."

"Who were they?"

"At first glance, just two bros chilling in a hot tub. Somehow the toxin got in through the heater and was found in the water later. Turns out one of the guys had just gotten engaged to the suspect's ex."

Peter bit his tongue, hard. Now was not the time for references that nobody would understand.

"And the third case?" Sam prompted.

"Laced into the meal of a young woman. She'd known the suspect for years, and they were roommates."

If Peter bit his tongue any harder it was going to bleed.

"So what's the mission?" Steve asked.

"We need to track down the suspect. He bolted when authorities tried to bring him in. There were sightings in Arkansas an hour ago."

The quintet was undergoing repairs, so they had to drive in a very long limo to the airport where Tony had a private plane.

They'd been driving for twenty minutes when Tony groaned. 

"What?" Nat asked. 

"Road work ahead," Tony replied with a groan. "This is going to take forever."

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