Among Us with the Avengers (2)

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Over the next couple of hours, they played several games.

In one, as soon as they started playing everyone died, leaving only Tony and Peter left standing. 

"Mr Stark, hacking isn't allowed."

"But kiddddd."

"No. Hacking."

In another, Peter was convinced someone had hacked again, but it turns out it was just Natasha and Loki.

In one game, nobody died because it was Cap and Clint. Cap didn't even realise he was the imposter, instead spending the whole time wandering around looking for his tasks. Clint spent the whole game popping in and out of vents to annoy Natasha, and locking the doors to caf every time she tried to call a meeting.

Another memorable game was when almost everyone was in electrical and Thor killed in front of them all.

"Come on!" He boomed during the Emergency meeting. "Witch of scarlet, you were supposed to do a double kill with me!"

Needless to say, that game didn't last very long.

Peter and Tony stayed together for most of it, excluding the classic game when the roles flashed up at the start and Tony panicked.

"Uhhh, Peter, maybe we should try splitting up this round?"

As soon as it became available, somebody called a meeting and everyone wordlessly voted for Tony. Bruce managed two kills before someone caught him venting on camera and he was thrown out too.

They broke for lunch, then settled down again. 

When Peter saw the Imposter screen flash up, he did his best to stay calm. It was him and Nat.

He followed everyone to the card task in admin, and stood with everyone else. Nat did a stack kill, and Peter was about to do the same when his sixth sense blipped to let him know someone was watching, so he yelped and pressed Report instead.

"Did anyone see that?" He asked, maybe overdoing the frightened doe eyes a little. It was Loki that had died. Nobody had, thankfully, so everyone skipped.

A while later, Peter headed into Weapons with Tony. His mentor stood on the vent and began downloading. Peter sabotaged the oxygen.

"I've got O2," he reassured everyone. "Mr Stark, you can finish your task, I'll be fine."

"I've got Admin," Shuri added.

He hurried down and into Navigation, where theARCHER was also doing a download. Peter killed Clint, then hurried into O2, fixed the oxygen and got back to Mr Stark before he finished downloading. 

"I've got the Unlock Manifolds task in reactor," Peter lied to make sure Tony didn't find Clint's body. "Come on." The pair of them cut across the cafeteria and had just reached the Reactor when drbanner's body was reported.

"Comms," Steve said. 

"Peter and I were together in Weapons, then Reactor." Tony said. 

"That's a lot of dead people," Shuri whistled. It was true - as well as Clint, Bruce and Loki, Thor's name was crossed out too. "It has to be Natasha, only she and Loki are this good."

The verdict passed, and Peter had no choice but to vote out his fellow imposter.

Nat was An Imposter

Peter dragged Tony back to Reactor to finish his non-existant task. With Nat gone, the full responsibility of winning fell to him. He couldn't let her down.

Peter followed Tony to his wiring task outside Cams, then killed him. Tony gave a muffled yelp of betrayal as Peter screamed and spammed the report button.

"Wanda! Wanda killed Tony right in front of me!"

"WhAt! I did no such thing! He's lying!"

"Shh, shh. It's ok Peter. Where?"

"S-security. He was doing wiring..."

Thankfully everyone was too busy comforting Peter to notice the look of disbelief on Tony's face, or the pride on Natasha's.

"I was in MedBay the whole time!" Wanda defended herself. "Peter must have killed him and self reported!"

"Likely story," Shuri scoffed. "Nobody hurts my meme buddy and gets away with it!" Shuri voted. So did Peter. Steve hesitated, looking at Wanda's pleading expression. Peter sniffed loudly to get his attention, pouting, and squeezed out a tear.

Steve voted.

wAnDaWaSnT was not an Imposter

The look of betrayal on his friends' faces at the message sent a stab of guilt at his heart, but not enough to override the satisfaction the completion of his plan was going to give him.

He smiled innocently at Steve and Shuri as they both spammed their screens, waiting for the emergency cool down to run out, and sabotaged the reactor.

Both of them raced towards it, Shuri sending Peter a filthy look all the way from Wakanda. They fixed it and hurried back towards Caf, only to find Peter waiting triumphantly in the doorway.

"Victory~" he whisper-sang as they spawned back in the waiting room.

Natasha grinned at him. "I have taught you well," she said.

The two spiders High-fived.

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