r/my student is a superhero

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@superteach12834: I (42M) am a high school teacher in NYC. I think one of my students (M) is secretly a superhero. I'm not going to disclose his age or who or which superhero in case someone traces this account. As far as I can tell this doesn't affect his schoolwork and he usually seems fine but I'm worried about him. I don't know what to do. I don't know if anyone else knows. Should I tell him I know so I can help or stay quiet?

-- @redredredd: huh cool who is it? didn't think there wre any school age supers

---- @DumbAvocado: He literally said he wouldn't say who??

-- @MITmorelikeLIT: I have a similar situation! I went to school with Tony Stark, it's super cool knowing a super! You should ask for an autograph!! Wish I had back when I had the chance yk?

---- @kitten_cat32: How is that the same situation? completely different lol

---- @yurmomhaha: also really bad advice? he shouldn't tell the student, mutants can be really volatile, who knows what he'd do if he knew his teacher knew his secret?

------ @xmenmeup: omg he didn't even say he was a mutant get ur hate away from me. what kids need is support from the adults around them.

----@superteach12834: Thanks for the advice @MITmorelikeLIT. Unfortunately I think our situations are quite different.

--@wordsofwishdom: Hmm that sounds like a really complex situation. I understand you can't give more info but I think the way you should proceed depends on the details. As a teacher with a duty of care, you must be in a tough position. You're meant to report anything that could be dangerous to your students, but in this world that's largely anti-mutant (even if he's not a mutant) reporting your suspicions could cause more harm than good. Probably the best thing to do is try to find out if anyone else knows. If the student/hero has a good support network already, I would recommend not interfering. If you're worried he has nobody to rely on, maybe consider presenting yourself as an option or recommend he tells someone else who can be there for him. Being a teenager is hard enough without the added responsibility of superpowers.

----@superteach12834: Thank you, that's really helpful.

--@PINAPPLEMAN: You should tell the Avengers! They'll know how to deal with a superhero.

----@fredwasright: the Avengers don't have time to deal with every superpowered person in NYC lmao what do you think Captain America is going to go to a school to check the kids are okay? no he has better things to do

------@superteach12834: Actually I have a way of contacting Captain America if its needed. Do you think this is a good idea?

--------@PINAPPLEMAN: Um? Yes?? That is so cool can you give me Cap's number?

--------@kitten_cat32: I don't know, might be best to stay under the radar. at least you know it's an option if things escalate or you think he needs help in future?

--@kitten_cat32: hey so I'm reasonably invested in this story and its been months now. did anything happen?

---- @superteach12834: Yes. A few people have asked - I'll make a post

@superteach12834: So its been 4 months since my original post. After some subtle feelers I'm confident his best friend, guardian and maybe even an Avenger know about his situation so I'm less worried about getting involved. Still, I've covered for him a couple of times in school and dropped enough hints that I think he knows I know, but neither of us are saying anything for sure. Plausible deniability and all that. He knows he can ask for my help if he needs it, but for now my problem has been resolved.

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