Internship (1)

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"Liar," MJ muttered on her way past Peter. He blinked.

"Wh- what?" She ignored him, but he caught her arm and she pulled away.

"You don't intern at Stark Industries. I checked."

"You... checked?"

"I intern there, obviously."

"Well, uh, maybe you missed my name?" She gave him a flat look, but he was saved but the bell and she didn't mention it again.

Several months had passed. Now MJ knew about Peter's alter ego and he was pretty sure they were dating although they were yet to make it official.

"Hey, you're coming to work with me tomorrow."

"Pardon?" They'd been sat in comfortable silence on a park bench for several minutes before she'd blurted that out.

She shrugged with a somewhat awkward wry smile. "It's bring your partner to work day tomorrow. I'd like you to come along to my internship. If you want to come?"

Peter tried not to let himself blush. Was she asking him to be her partner? "I- I'd be delighted."

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 4."

She was there five minutes early. He wore his best shirt, and was ridiculously nervous. Mostly because of MJ and how good she looked in her suit. But also because working at Stark Industries was his dream, and he wanted to make a good impression but also the Avengers had been chasing Spider-Man and what if something happened that revealed his identity and now he was being paranoid but what if-

"Peter?" MJ waved her hand in front of his face. "You're going to make me late. If you get me fired I'm killing you."

On the way to the tower, MJ turned to look at him. "I intern under Pepper Potts. Just thought you should know."

"Miss Potts? As in the CEO?"

"No, the other Pepper Potts."

"That's amazing, MJ! Why didn't you say before? That's such an achievement!"

MJ shrugged. "I started as a normal intern and worked my way up just like anybody else."

"What, in six months?"


"You're amazing, MJ."

"Shut up, loser," she led him through the entrance.

The receptionist smiled at her. "Miss Jones. I wasn't aware you'd be bringing a companion today."

"This is Peter," MJ said. "Parker."

The receptionist nodded and handed Peter a visitor badge.

"Come on," she led him to an elevator further from the ones everyone else was using. "It's Miss Potts's private one," she said in explanation. "FRIDAY?" They started going up.

"Friday?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Mr Parker?" A female voice said from the ceiling.

"Woah," Peter looked up, unable to spot the speakers. "Is it an AI?"

"Yes, I am installed throughout the tower. Please ask for any assistance you may require," FRIDAY replied. The doors slid open.

"Is that you, MJ?" A voice called from an open door.

"What can I do for you, Miss Potts?" MJ hurried towards the voice, and looked through the doorway with a professional smile.

"Perfect, just the woman I need. Can you go through these files and pick out the ones that are actually worth looking at, please?"

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