Job interview

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Thanks to Pachyyyyy for helping me out with this one

It was just meant to be an ordinary day. Spider-Man was patrolling the city as usual, stopping small crime and helping the locals with everyday tasks.

"Thank you so much," a guy said as he finished replacing the flat tire on his car.

"No problem," Peter replied, gently setting the front of the vehicle back on the ground. "Have a good day!"

"You too!" The guy called after him as the hero swung away.

Peter's senses blared and he changed direction mid-swing, shooting another web and using the resultant torque and his overall momentum to gracefully arc low over the street, almost brushing the tarmac as he scooped a middle-aged man into his arms and let the web pull him up the other side of the parabola to land smoothly on the flat rooftop of one of the road-side shops. The man was stiff with shock as Peter released him and unable to tear his gaze away from the road, where a truck had just barrelled over the spot he'd been stood, frozen, mere moments ago.

"Are you alright, sir?" Peter asked worriedly. He placed a hand on the man's shoulder with enough pressure to ground the man if he needed it. "Take a minute, sir. Just breathe, nothing can get to you up here. It's okay, you're safe."

The man, whose name was Tom, had not really had any strong feelings towards Spider-Man since the vigilante's first appearance. He'd never thought of himself as a fan, would never consider waving the web-slinger down for an autograph or selfie like some of the kids liked doing; neither was he one of those Daily Bugle-loving haters who spat verbal venom. Sure, Tom appreciated that Spider-Man looked out for those in need, and he wasn't as annoyed as some could be about the vigilante's presence, but he'd never given it much thought. Spider-Man was never an issue that would concern him personally.

At least that's what he'd thought. Now, as his breathing gradually slowed in time with his heartbeat after said vigilante decidedly saved his life, Tom decided that he was a very big fan of Spider-Man indeed.

"That's it, sir, you're doing great." Spider-Man removed his hand. "Are you ready to head back down to the street now? I think there are some stairs on this building."

Tom gratefully followed the hero to the side of the roof furthest from the street, where there was in fact a rusted set of stairs leading down. Spider-Man checked again that the man he'd saved would be alright and reminded him to stay alert when crossing roads before giving him a cheery goodbye. Before he could shoot a web, however, his senses cried out in alarm and he easily ducked the swing of a wooden club. There was a crack followed by a thud, and Peter whirled around in dismay to see that the man he'd saved had taken the blow instead. He lay unconscious, a small trickle of blood making its way from a shallow cut on his forehead.

"No! Sir, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Peter panicked, forgetting the attacker and ignoring his spidey-sense just long enough for the club to find its original target and the world to go black.

"Wakey-wakey, Spider-Freak." Something cold splashed on his face - water. It soaked through his mask quickly and dripped over his eyes, making it hard to get his bearings. "He's up!"

"Good. Who- Why is there a random guy in here?"

"He was with him when we ambushed him! What were we meant to do, leave an unconscious guy in an alleyway? That would just make people suspicious!"

Peter squinted and managed to get his lenses to focus on the people who were talking. They were wearing cloth over the lower half of their faces, obscuring their features, but he didn't recognise any of them.

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